mommas sid

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Aurora couldn't recall how she ended out in the hospital lobby but there she was, watching as Dewey's body was carried being carried away

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Aurora couldn't recall how she ended out in the hospital lobby but there she was, watching as Dewey's body was carried being carried away. The distant black body bags being lifted out through the double doors.

Aurora felt nothing.

She could see the outline through her tear drop eyes of a women crying into the arms of Sam. Gale.

She slowly trudged towards the doors, wanting nothing more than to fall into somebody's arms and feel the warmth and comfort she craved at that very moment.

The cold air blew against Aurora small figure, causing her to shiver.

"Rory?" The sobbing black haired women questioned.

Aurora wasn't even able to answer before she was pulled into the chest of her aunt.

"It's my fault, I couldn't save him" Aurora sobbed, tears steaming onto gales clothes. "It's not your fault sweetheart. I promise you, he always wanted to be the hero. He would do anything to save the people he cared for." Gale spoke back to Aurora, placing a hand on the younger girls head in comfort.

They had lost their best friend, auroras father figure..gales husband.

They stood there for what felt like hours, holding each other. Gale noticed the blonde shivering in the cold air and brought her inside.

They both just sat there, enjoying the silent company.

Sam came over talking about something but Aurora payed no mind to the words that left her mouth, leaving it up to Gale.

Her mind kept going back to the very moments.

The one word that brought Aurora out of her haze was the word "Sidney". the words caused Aurora to look up from her chair.

Sidney walking over, straight to embrace her daughter.

Aurora quickly jumped off the chair running into her moms arms. "Momma" Aurora sobbed out. "It's okay baby, I'm here. Are you hurt?" Sidney questioned while trying to reassure her.

That caused Aurora to remember the wound in her side, the adrenaline only just wearing off. Gale having heard Sidney's question looked up at the pair wondering the answer herself.

"My side" Aurora mumbled out with not much regard to her injury at this point.

Sidney soon enough lifted Aurora top at the side just enough to see the wound, both older women wincing at the sight of the blood half dried across the stab wound.

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