Start from the beginning

Tari: Wow, you have one brave soul.

SMG4: *sigh* Screw it... let's go, Auri.

Auri: Wow, that was easy.

Auri jumped on.

SMG4: Right, let's do this!

SMG3: I'm ready.

SMG4: See you all on the other side!

SMG4 and 3 also jumped on.

Luigi: Good luck, guys... for all our sakes.

The Space-ship set off into Space.

Tari: *sigh* I don't feel well, now...


SMG4: We're coming for you, Mario and Meggy

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SMG4: We're coming for you, Mario and Meggy.

Auri: I'm gonna kill that Inkling!

SMG3: Hey guys, would anyone like some Mint Chewing Gum?

SMG1: Go on, then.

SMG2: Pass.

SMG3: Yo, you two! Would you like some Gum?

SMG4: No, thank you!

Auri: I'm gonna pretend that the Gum is one of Dylan's organs!


SMG3: Your cop friend scares me, SMG4.

SMG4: No time for talk about Mint... I'm focusing on saving our friends! We're gonna do this as a team!

SMG3: You what?! What do you mean; As a team?!

SMG4: What are you talking about?

SMG3: Who says that I was on your team?!

SMG4: You are, aren't you?

SMG3: I just wanna save Mario and Meggy, to make you happy! I was in a middle of streaming when you rang me!

SMG2: Aww... you care about SMG4, don't you?

SMG3: WHAT?!?!?! I don't care about him!

SMG2: *wheezes* It's OK, let it out! 😂

SMG1: *wheezes* Come on, we know you care about him! 😂

SMG3: Oh, shut your Cake holes!!!


SMG4: You guys are freaking weird.

Auri: Guys, I think I can see the Castle!

SMG4: Looks like you're right... let's proceed with caution!

At the (POSSESSED) Castle...

Meggy: Every single Bedroom and the Kitchen is all blocked with Fuzzy Ooze! Even the Bathroom is blocked!

SMG4 Fanfic: The Horrific Incident (FINALE)Where stories live. Discover now