Second in Line

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Yaku Morisuke, a carmel haired boy was hanging ornaments on a christmas tree. The bright lights glimmeried, blue, green, red, and more as the ornaments reflected them. The tree was almost finished, all that was left was the final star. But the whole time, Yaku had been focusing on whether or not Kuroo was going to come to the doorstep. "Is he late? Is he even going to come at all?" He thought. As he continued to set the christmas tree, even putting a gift under it, wrapped with a silver bow and blue wrapping.

He ignored the overwhelming thoughts, Kuroo wouldn't ditch him, they had been friends for 3 years now. They had been planning this for months, surely, he'd come soon, right? The oven started to beep, interrupting the thoughts of the short boy, he took the food out of the oven to cool. The smell of the delectable chicken filled the air, the aroma made the food even more appealing, if only he had any guests. As he started to walk away, to maybe take some time for herself he realized the time. It had been 2 hours since he was supposed to come. Something was up, but he decided to scroll through social media instead. Only to find the upsetting post. "Hanging out with Kenma for Christmas! (@KuSurō)" Yaku laughed bitterly, soon enough the salty crystal tears started to flow down the boy's cheeks.

"So I'm not even important to him.... great, all that time spent planning only to be stood up on christmas." Muttered Yaku, as he got up, to take a breather outside. The room seemed almost suffocating when the one person who was posed to be there didn't show up. It was empty, empty without Kuroo. The deafening silence of snow crunching beneath his feet until he didn't even realize how far he had gone. He had been planning for so long to ask Kuroo on a romantic date, making the night they had planned so special. But no, that was never going to happen, not after today. He hated himself for even thinking he had a chance, for still loving the boy dearly after the many times he had seen the boy say he's "busy with school" then go to hangout with Kozume Kenma. He was inferior to this boy, fake blonde, cat like eyes that drew anyone in that got too close. He didn't even stand a chance, not against him.

He tried his best to get his mind off the situation, stopping on a bench, as he sat down. He had stopped near a park with all these "lovey dovey" people. As disgusted as he was, it made him think even more about what happened, was he just not good enough for the boy? He got up, blank faced, and kept walking.

Troughting across the snow, he noticed a particular design in the clouds, a heart. He wondered if the world hated him, or thought that he was a stupid lovesick boy who chased a dream he couldn't have. Ignoring the thought he sighed, "This is all stupid!" He says, kicking at the snow with his feet.

As he went farther and farther, the more it started to hit him. How had he not seen this coming? The laughs from afar, those hazel eyes, eye catching, and his charming smile. Yaku Morisuke, was lovesick for a boy who didn't care for him the way he did for him. He felt like one of those annoying fangirls that would invade the space of those around them just to get a closer look at their "Idol." Was that how Kuroo saw him too? A boy who had no awareness that he was being annoying. Was he annoying? He was just a boy, who just wanted a little more than he was given. The extra serving on his plate, that he was deprived of. He froze up, by the laughter of someone far too familiar. He had heard it a million times yet he was caught off guard by it everytime. Each Time he played it off as if nothing happened, telling little white lies to his "friend."

"Kuroo?" He asked, the black haired boy glanced back at him, oh how lovely those hazel eyes were, if only they were his to keep. But not all wishes come true, especially for Yaku Morisuke.

"I- Yakkun?" Replied the boy in surprise, seconds in and he already seemed as if he knew he had done something wrong. No one even had to tell him, he knew he had ditched Yaku, and he did it on purpose. When Kenma had asked him to hangout, he couldn't say no. The cat-like eyes of the blonde boy were too much to resist for Kuroo. Oh how he envied Kenma to be as likeable.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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