"Stop taking all the credit for every sweet action you guys do," she says, snuggling up closer to his side. They bicker for a bit, the rest of us ambling away from them, already sickened by their antics.

"We should sit outside today. I'm not in the mood for that loud cafeteria," Davina states. Levi, Alejandro and I nod in agreement.

I turn around, seeing Nevaeh and Theo smiling at each other as they argue. "We're gonna sit outside," I call back to them. They nod, not at all focused on anything but the presence of each other, their love all-consuming. It's the type of love I dreamed of having as a kid, but the type I'll probably never experience. Not with my bitchiness.

We decide to leave then a bit behind us, hoping they'll find us after they snap out of their trance. "Where are we sitting?" Alejandro asks, shoving his hands into the pockets of his black pants.

"I know a spot," I say, moving in front of them. I lead them to my tree, surprising myself by willingly guiding them to my own spot. They really are growing on me.

Davina is the first to sit down, Alejandro taking a seat next to her. I sit opposite them, Levi doing the same. "I wonder when those love birds will join us," Levi says, taking out his tinfoil wrapped lunch.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they were fucking in the janitor's closet." Davina hits Alejandro on the arm for that comment. "What? They said they've fucked in this school before."

My face scrunches up in disgust, Levi chokes on the water that's currently slipping down his throat, and Davina makes a fake gag noise. "That is not a topic to be discussed over lunch."

"What's not a topic to be discussed?" I hear Nevaeh ask, kneeling down on the grass with Theo behind her.

"The sexual activities you've partaken in inside this building," I tell them, taking a bite out of my banana. They're mouths hang wide open and I raise a hand in defence. "Alejandro started the conversation, not me."

Theo throws a pen at Alejandro, which doesn't satisfy him since he catches it, placing it on the floor beside him. "You're such a creep."

"Says the person that can't keep his dick in his pants in school." Nevaeh looks guiltily at the floor while Theo continues glaring at Alejandro. Levi, Davina and I are hiding our smiles, looking at each other with amusement.

I did not expect to discuss Theo and Nevaeh's sex life in school during lunch, but the conversation continues for much longer than it should have.


99. The numbers are circled with a red pen and an excellent beside it. "You got the highest score in the class," she whispers. Well, attempts to whisper but miserably fails since I can feel the eyes of most of the class on me, including Alejandro.

I give her a tight-lipped smile and flick through my paper once she leaves my desk, seeing where I went wrong.

"Fantastic as usual, Alejandro," Ms. Park says, placing the paper on his desk. He nods, instantly looking through it. He pauses for a second, frowning slightly at the paper.

I try to look at the question without being too obvious. Clearly, I don't do a good enough job at being subtle. "I can feel your eyes on me." My eyes instantly glance at my own desk, hiding my embarrassment. "Did you get 100?"

"99," I mutter. "You?"


"That's really good," I tell him, deciding to make eye contact with him. "Are you this good for all your classes?"

Adoring LeviWhere stories live. Discover now