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Unknown pov

With each step you take in my hall marvel at the perfection for it is fleeting for you have brought sin to heaven and brought doom upon all the world Cantical 18:13

The chantry teaches us that the hubris of men that brought the darkspawn into are world mages tried to usurp heaven but they destroyed it the mages became the first of the darkspawn corrupted by their own corruption dastardly and evil the Dwarven kingdoms were the first to fall the darkspawn struck at us again and again until we were brought to near annihilation

But then the grey wardens came men and women of every race and warriors and mages and barbarian and kings They would do anything to prevail

It has been four centuries since that victory and many have forgotton but we have kept are vigil and we have watched and waited for the darkspawn to return but for what i have seen on the horizon maker help us all

End of prologue

Dragon Age Origins The Tale Of The WardenWhere stories live. Discover now