Chrollo changing his demeanor around Neon

Like the other Troupe members, Chrollo is cold-blooded and not above inhuman mass murder, most notably when they brutally massacred the Kurta Clan. In addition, his use of Indoor Fish on an assassin reflects his apathetic nature towards his enemies. There is also an implied hostility between Chrollo and Silva Zoldyck, most likely stemming from their previous encounter after Silva's killing of a Troupe member.[18][19]

Chrollo is a skilled actor and quite manipulative, as shown when he met Neon Nostrade and "befriended" her to steal her fortune-telling ability. During that time, he presented himself as an amiable and helpful man, always enthusiastic and smiling, who also displayed curiosity. However, Chrollo only intended to learn about Neon's ability to fulfill one of the conditions needed to steal it.[14][2]

Young Chrollo expressing his adoration for Pakunoda

Chrollo is shown to have been emotional, caring, and bright as a child. He also always brought fresh flowers for the graves of children in church. Father Lisores comments to a Meteor City elder that he sees much promise in Chrollo because of his spirit and original ideas.[20]

Chrollo originated from Meteor City, a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to a very few people.[21]

One day, Chrollo, who was about eleven years old, along with Franklin and Shalnark, found a new VHS tape in one of the garbage dumps. They started running with the tape, tossing it from hand to hand, which Machi saw. She then reports this to Uvogin, who gets in the boys' way. Uvo knocks out Shalnark as Franklin returns the tape to Chrollo, who escapes using the opportunity. Then, Phinks and Feitan cut off Chrollo's path on a motorbike. Chrollo gives them back the tape, but it turns out that he outsmarted them, and it was a Gelman language course tape found sometime earlier, and he hid the newly found tape under his shirt. Chrollo then goes to the church, where he has a short conversation with Father Lisores. After that, he visits the AV room, where he meets Pakunoda. Together, they play the tape in a VCR, which is a recording of the movie Power Cleaners in a foreign language. Chrollo decides to translate the film's content and create dubbing with his friends. He asks Pakunoda to talk Sheila and Sarasa into it. After a short while, Chrollo manages to finish the script, after which the four friends start recording.[20]

After the recordings are finished, the prepared film is shown in the church. Lots of kids from Meteor City show up. The first to approach Chrollo, even before the show, is Uvogin. He tells him that they need to talk after the show is over. Phinks then arrives with dubious intentions, but is distracted by Sarasa. Sheila notes that as long as Chrollo is protected by the youngest of the children, Sarasa, he is safe. The show begins. All the children seem to be delighted, but at some point the sound in the recording stops working. While Uvogin makes fun of Chrollo's problems, Chrollo decides to do live voices, standing on stage and using a microphone. Pakunoda, Sheila and Sarasa join him. On stage, Chrollo imitates a multitude of characters, not only vocally but also physically. The children are most impressed by the role of the villain, in which Lucilfer's face shows unprecedented emotions. After the show ends, Uvogin is delighted and asks for a chance to voice the villain in the next taping. The children form a dubbing group consisting of: Chrollo, Uvogin, Sheila, Sarasa, Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Pakunoda, and Franklin. Machi is also with them, but she doesn't like any of the available roles. In the near future, the group is tightening ties and spending time rehearsing, writing scripts and presenting new episodes on stage. We see them after some time when the group tries to get Machi to participate in the show, but she only considers the role of the villain. The group tries to find a solution, but they notice that they don't have enough actors and they should look for new ones. They also consider a name for themselves and choose the name "Troupe". They are going to add a second term to it, but they are not sure what it should be yet. Chrollo and Uvogin have a short chat in which the latter states that he has found his purpose, which is to travel with Chrollo, putting on shows, and playing the role of the best villain in the world.[22]

One day, Sarasa didn't show up at the show. The troupe learned that she had not been seen since yesterday. Most of the children watching the Troupe's shows decided to help with the search. Chrollo paired up with Uvogin, and after a long time of searching, they came up with the idea of checking out the Uga Forest. They gathered the other members and they all went into the forest together. There they found the scene of the crime, the instruments of torture, a note left behind and a sack hanging from a tree. Chrollo was the only one who could read the contents of the note, but he chose not to share it with the others. When Uvogin took the sack from the tree, Chrollo decided to check the contents. It turned out that Sarasa's destroyed body was inside. Some time later, Chrollo attends Sarasa's funeral, after which he talks to Uvogin about their future. He asks him to wait three years, in which he will be able to get the necessary funds to carry out his plan, which consists in creating a website that brings together criminals. During the conversation, they are joined by the other members of the Troupe, except for Sheila, who decides to leave the group. Each of the other members chose Chrollo as the leader of the group, which will be formed in three years.[23]

Around three years later, being about the age of fourteen, Chrollo founded the Phantom Troupe, along with Franklin, Uvogin, Machi, Pakunoda, Feitan, Nobunaga,[13] and Shalnark.[23]

Then, sometime later, Chrollo fought Silva Zoldyck before their encounter in the Cemetery Building. It is unknown when and what the exact circumstances were.[19] He presumably took part in the massacre of the Kurta Clan.[24]

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