Chapter 30

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I don't know what happened but I felt the electricity coursing through me and suddenly Bucky was on his knees, crying out in pain. My only instinct was to start running and I didn't stop until I found an empty park. I couldn't process everything so I just sat down in a swing and stared at the ground. Rather than checking on him, I ran from him and he probably thinks I did it on purpose. I'm such a wuss just like my dad and I don't deserve Bucky. He's always been so kind and caring toward me, he takes care of me and this is how I repay him? With temper tantrums and hurting him just to run. This isn't where I belong and that gets clearer every day. Maybe I don't belong anywhere or with anyone. My parents don't want me, Bucky doesn't want me, the rest of the Avengers tolerate me and I have no friends outside of here to turn too. Perhaps being alone isn't as bad as I think it is. Sure I'll be lonely but at least I won't feel unwanted and hated. Or I could just give up the way I wanted to after Jeremy died but I stayed for my mom and Tony. Now it's clear that I don't mean anything to my mom because I'm not my brother and I don't mean anything to my dad because I don't do exactly what he says. Coming to join the Avengers was a last ditch effort to find a place in this world and find some form of a family. I thought for these last several weeks that maybe I'd found something with Bucky, something that was enough to make me want to stay.

When a car pulled up I half expected it to be Bucky but it was Sam who walked over to me. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine, you just gave him a little shock."

"I can't believe I hurt him, he probably hates me and thinks I did it on purpose but I would never." I sobbed as Sam kneeled down and took my hands

"He knows you didn't mean it and he's not upset about it. Shit happens, Mia but you can't run away like that. Especially while we're on a mission somewhere we don't know well. I need you to get in the car and come back with me please."

"I can't, I hurt him. I've never used my powers like that, I don't know what happened. What if that happens every time I touch him now?"

"I'm touching you right now and nothing is happening. You probably just got too upset and your powers took over. It's okay, it happens. Wanda can tell you all about it sometime, god knows it's happened to her enough."

"But I hurt Bucky."

"Accidentally and I know he's hurt you worse before."


"I saw the bruises on your neck and I made him tell me how they got there."

"He didn't hurt me, he was trying to push me away but he didn't mean to leave a mark on me. I know he would never."

"That goes both ways Mia, he understands."

"Then why isn't he here?"

"I told him to give you some space and that I'd come bring you back. It's my fault he didn't come after you. He'd be here at your side in a moment if I hadn't told him to give you space. He's crazy about you, Mia even if he's being stubborn about it."

"Why are you here? Why do you care?"

"I tried to tell you yesterday that I'm your friend and I care. While I may not get everything you're going through, I get some of it. I've lost people and I've helped a lot of other people through trauma and grief. I can help you, Mia and you can finally stop carrying the weight of his death on your shoulders."

"But I don't understand what's in it for you?"

"Nothing, not everyone wants something from you in return for helping you or caring for you. You're part of this team now and I know you've had a rough go. Let's work on getting you a stable support system and learning how to handle anger and fear."

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