Fiendish Friendship!

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"Move it!" Yelled Cozy Glow as she pushed a smaller student out of her way. She wasn't happy. In fact, she just about hated her life. Her plans to take over Equestria had failed, and so a few months ago in August she escaped and decided to move to Mediapolis to start a new life as a 7th grader. Sure the location changed, but Cozy didn't. Nobody wanted to be friends with her here. Maybe coming here was a mistake.

When Cozy walked into her first period classroom, she saw an unfamiliar girl sitting at her desk. She had green pigtails, a green sweater, a black skirt, green and black striped knee high socks and black combat boots. The girl was leaned back in Cozy's chair with her arms folded over her chest and her feet on the desk.

Cozy grunted and walked up to the girl. "You must be new. Sorry, but that's my seat." Cozy said in a condescending tone.

The girl sharply turned her head to look at Cozy. Her eyes widened. "I do not care! Off with you!" She yelled.

Cozy was a little surprised. Nobody here had stood up to her before. Before she could say anything else, another new girl who was sitting in the front called to her.

"Hey! Teal haired girl! There's a seat up here next to me!" She smiled. She had blue curly hair, a blue bow, a blue dress, white socks and Mary Jane shoes.

Cozy hated sitting in the front. There was a bigger chance for her to get caught cheating. But seeing that the green girl wouldn't move, she had no choice but to move to the front as she didn't want to make a scene.

She sat down in the new desk, and the blue girl next to her was staring at her with wide eyes. After an awkward silence, Cozy said,

"So...what's yourrr name..?" She grinned awkwardly.

"My name is Charlotte! I love singing and playing! Vendetta is my other best friend." Charlotte replied while pointing at the green girl. Apparently, she was Vendetta. Her grunt could be heard from across the room.

"Wait. Other?" Cozy asked.

"Yes! You're my new best friend!" Charlotte smiled and lifted her arms in the air. Cozy's eyes widened as she realized what she got herself into. She wanted friends, but not this girl.

Cozy sat there bored the whole class period. The only thing she heard was the teacher's slow monotone voice and Vendetta yelling at the other students.

Does that girl ever shut up? Cozy wondered. But she did have to admit Vendetta was cool. She stood up to her and treated everyone else around her like garbage. Cozy respected that. Maybe Vendetta was actually a lot like her.

At lunch, Cozy saw Vendetta sitting alone. She was new, after all, and no one else seemed to like her besides Charlotte. She walked up to her table.

"Hey Vendetta. My name is Cozy Glow. I'm...sorry for telling you to get out of my seat. You're actually really cool!"

Vendetta smirked. "Of course I am! And I guess I'm...sorry...for refusing to move. The truth is...I think you're 'cool' too. Now what fiendish things have you done?"

Cozy sat down. "Fiendish things?" She thought. A wide grin crept onto her face. "Well...I'm secretly a pegasus but I look like a human. In my old home of Equestria I manipulated the entire country into giving me their powers and trapped some innocent ponies in Tartarus. But...they escaped, captured me and sent me to Tartarus. Then my friend Tirek and I escaped. We teamed up with Queen Chrysalis to take over Equestria. It worked for a while, but then we were stopped once again by those lame ponies! They tried turning us to stone, but only I managed to escape. I fled so nobody saw me! I had no where else to go, so I left Equestria. I heard about this city and flew here to start a new life."

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