The Weeping Prince(short)

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The bad omen birds chorused and as always whenever those birds fly past something bad happens and today was no exception, but today was something different, it wasn't anything life threatening.... Probably..... Now let's get into the problem at hand

wolfram is extremely angry today and as of now anything can set him off into a fit of rage so everyone around the castle is trying to stay out of his way in fear of getting barbaqued

"gwendal what do we do!?" Yuuri asked feeling terrified for his life, as of now his doing his best to stay away from every woman and man that doesn't reside in the castle, even going as far as to turn down requests from kingdoms who wish to form an alliance, of course he didn't actually cancel it, it was more like he posposned it to a later day

Gwendal sighed "I'm not sure, wolfram hasn't been this angry in quite awhile and because of that we haven't gotten used to it, so there's really nothing we can do about it-" Gwendal was silenced by a loud explosion is the back


"ANISSINA GET YOUR CRAZY INVENTIONS OUT OF MY FACE" wolfram yelled while his hand engulfed in a flame "Jeez calm down wolfram, it's just a little invention" anissina said while putting her hands on her hips "why don't I put your 'little invention' up in flames? That would be rather pleasant right" wolfram smirked as anissinas eyes widened, she then narrowed her eyes and looked at wolfram "you wouldn't dare" she said at the raging blonde "wouldn't I?" said blonde replied mockingly

"hey break it up you two" Yuuri ran out and stepped inbetween them trying to strop the fight, but his efforts were futile as Wolfram turned to glare at him "oh?" wolfram said with a fake questioning tone "and what if we don't?" he walked closer too yuuri, his face strangely calm which freaked yuuri out even more, this was like what they called 'the calm before the storm' and it was truly terrifying

Yuuri backed up and put his hands up in surrender "so you want to take anissinas said over your own fiancé huh wimp?" wolfram said calmly, but as yuuri stayed before... It was

'the calm before the storm'

Wolfram glared hike through yuuri while his face twisted from calm into a fit of rage "W-wolf calm down" Yuuri said now terrified for everyone's sake "wolfram you're making heika scared" Conrad said from behind Yuuri "SHUT IT WELLER!!" wolfram yelled and glared at Conrad "I don't care HOW SCARED YUURI IS!!!!" Wolfram walked up to Conrad and started pointing onto his chest as Conrad backed away with a sweatd drop on the back of his head "MY FIANCÉ CHOSE ANISSINAS SIDE OVER MINE HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN!!" He stopped tapping Conrad's chest with his finger and crossed his arm with frustration

"Wolfram calm down" Gwendal said sternly which too earned him a glare from the angry mazoku....




But that glare soon broke into a fit of tears

Everyone's faces turned into what one would describe as shock

"Wolfram... Are you ok?" Yuuri asked as he quickly ran up to the weeping prince... Wolfram didn't answer but just continued crying

Gwendal and Conrad both walked up to their brother and spoke to him in the sweetest voices you'd ever hear from the two "wolfram you need to calm down" Gwendal rubbed wolframs back as he whispered "you can talk to us anytime alright" Conrad finished as he patted wolframs head

But that moment was short lived as the double black maou came and embraced his fiancé while rubbing the back of his head, Yuuri then picked him up bridal style and walked to their room leaving everyone behind them not even bothering to look back, Yuuris only concern st the moment was putting his most important person back in a good mood as it was hurtful to him aswell too see his beloved in that state....



Fun fact- Wolfram is canonically Yuuris most important person and yuuri canonically would do anything and everything he can for Wolfram, he said he would give wolfram anything and everything he wants and honestly it makes me so happy that yuuri shows so much affection to wolfram in the novels, if only the anime and manga show'd this moments too

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