12: im too tired to think of a chapter name smh

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"Shutting you up before you could start another stupid fucking argument that would do nothing but make things complicated again." Gerard added before connecting his lips back to Frank's neck.

"What... so we can't talk this out and I can't ask you just why the ever-loving fuck you thought that was a good idea? And hey, I didn't even fucking know other people could see you if you wanted to or whatever-"

Gerard let out a sigh, hovering above Frank a little, before placing his hand just a little too tightly around Frank's cock.

"What are you-"

"I know you can't yell at me or hate me when you want to fuck, Frank, and therefore this is the only way we can have some sort of civil conversation when you're riled up." Gerard grinned, "it's quite logical really, also I really love touching your cock, you know?"

Frank groaned, turning away from Gerard, to which Gerard responded by squeezing his grip, and god, Frank was not expecting that.

"Look at me." Gerard added, and needless to say, Frank obliged. "I got you out of a mess here, I didn't I? Ryan suspects something, a big kind of something, and I've written it off for you as just a boyfriend and he bought it, and then we don't have to touch on the time you spent in hospital that he doesn't know about, or the past he couldn't even imagine, because you know when I said you were turning into me, you've certainly got the secret fucked up past down perfectly."

"Ryan and Brendon don't need to know-"

"And neither did you when it came to me: you just wanted to, and I struggle saying no to someone as pretty as you." Gerard let out a sigh, "now come on, if we keep touching like just hold hands then I'm going to look real enough, and we've just got to make sure Ryan and Brendon don't touch me, and if you're cuddling up to me then I doubt they'll want to, so we just sit in a Starbucks booth and act all coupley and keep them occupied and it'll be fine."

"You're far too optimistic about this."

"You're far too pessimistic." Gerard countered, giving Frank another squeeze. "Hey, how about you go through with this and don't fuck your life up and I'll jack you off-"

"That's pathetic... I want a fuck, at least." Frank groaned, leaning back against the pillows, "but if you're ready for that, then yeah, we can fuck everything up by trying this stupid-ass plan of yours."

"We really don't have time for fucking now, though? Like we need to get dressed, and you need a shower, Frankie-"

"Are you saying I smell?" Frank exclaimed, his eyes widening in mortal horror.

"No, I'm talking about that boner of yours - go have a shower, get dressed, we go to Starbucks, and we'll fuck afterwards, and you can tell me how much of a shitty boyfriend I am, because that's what we are now, for certain now, boyfriends."

"You decided?" Frank raised his eyebrows at that one.

"Yeah, because you're terrible at making decisions, and I'm supposed to be older than you, I mean, I was born ten years before you, and I reckon you should listen to me if you want that fuck later, you know, just saying?" Gerard grinned, rolling over as Frank stumbled out of bed, glancing down at his cock and shaking his head in disbelief.

"I'm totally jacking off in the shower." Frank added.

"I know." Gerard smiled, "be nice and loud, will you, just so I can be sure to hear you over the water." And that fucking wink and smirk, and god, Frank knew that Gerard was absolutely the worst influence on him in the world, but fucking hell, he wanted this grave Gerard was digging for him, if it meant he got to hold his hand.

Wintertime (Frerard, Sequel to Summertime)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن