Chapter 1

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It was a rainy night, a thirteen-year-old was on her bed watching one of her favorite anime; Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, of course she loved the original, but this anime followed the manga so there is a lot more episodes and information than original. After finishing the anime she traced a human transmutation circle from her iPad tablet it was a bit shaky and not perfect but she did her best, Wolf said" please send me to Fullmetal Alchemist" she claps her hands together and placed them on the paper as expected nothing happened she was just fooling around but suddenly a clash of lightening appeared outside her bedroom and her paper glowed blue then turned purple, her eyes widen as she looked around her, she seen this when the Elric brothers did their human transmutation to bring their mother back, a bright light blinded her as she cried out.

Wolf woke up and looked around, there was nothing but endless white, she shouted out for any one, she heard laughter behind her, she turns and saw a large gate and a figure sitting in front of it, no eyes and nose only a mouth who was grinning at her" I heard your wish I will grant it but you know the law of equivalent exchange" Wolf frowns" I know but I was just messing around... nothing like this is real, it's all anime.. fiction also I was not trying to bring any one back," Truth just laughed" never mess with the taboo and expect nothing to happen," the gate behind him opened and ribbon like hands shot out and grabbed Wolf she cried out as she was pulled into the gate.

It was a hot day in the desert, a young 15 year old boy was trudging through the sand grumbling, he was sweating and all hunched over; his name was Edward Elric the youngest State Alchemist ever at age of 15, he was heading towards a desert town called Lior where the government he works for heard about a priest that could perform miracles and ignoring the law of equivalent exchange, Ed suspects he is using the philosopher's stone" I hate deserts... It's nothing but sand" he fell face first in the sand" if there were some grass, I could turn it into bread, I'm starving.." he then noticed that he was alone, he got up on his hands and knees and looked around" hey Al?! Where'd you go?!" he turned left to right yelling out for Al then a echoing voice was heard" down here!" a hand shot up from the sand and grabbed the young man's ankle, making him scream in fright, the voice said softly" I sunk again..." Ed turned his heard, annoyed" reason number two I hate the desert," after hours he finally uncovered a suit of armor; Alphonse Elric Edward's 14 year old brother who's soul is bound to the suit of armor because when they did the ultimate taboo to bring their mother back he lost his body and Edward lost his left leg and he exchanged his right arm for Al's soul and sealed it within a suit of armor that was in the basement with them that belonged to their father who left them and their mother years ago. They had been on a search for the Philosopher's Stone to use it to get their bodies back to normal, reason why Edward became a state alchemist because they can get more information unfortunately, he became the dog of the military also so he also had to follow their orders and do anything they ask him to do mostly the Colonel named Roy Mustang a pain in Ed's ass.

He glared at the armor" I don't understand why you keep falling in!!" Al looked at his brother" I get full.." Ed stood up and glared" full of what?!" he kicked his younger brother's chest plate causing it to open and bunch of sand fell onto Ed; covering him. Al laughed softly and shuffled away from the pile of sand that held his older brother captive, it shook and Ed shot up fast making the sand explode off him all pissed then took off running after his younger brother" get back here!" Al ran away from his older brother" what are you going to do?" Ed screamed" nothing!" Al asked" then why are you chasing me?" Ed pants" stop and you'll find out!" Al whines" I promise I won't get buried again!" Ed growled" not unless it's by me!" Al cried out" Ed!" Ed screamed out of frustration.

Wolf slammed down in the middle of the town Lior, people were startled by the sudden appearance of the girl that fell from the sky, she was naked and had no left arm, no one wanted to go near her only one girl did, she had black hair and her bangs were pink, she asked for a cloak and someone gave her it and she placed it on the girl" please settle down everyone... I know this is scary but she needs help," a man said: are you sure you should be near her Rose... She just fell from the sky, she might be a bad omen, you should ask for Father Cornella to handle this" Rose said" there's no time, she's bleeding badly also he is busy with the broadcasting," she got the girl on her back and carried her to her place to wrap her wound.

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