Mi Amor

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"No one will remember this pathetic planet.. and no one will remember you" Scourge said as his blaster pointed down at me ready to fire.

I steady myself trying not to think of Kris or Ma as the blaster goes off. I flinch back expecting to be blown away but instead I hear a metal clanging. I open my eyes to see Mirage above me protecting me from the blows.

"Mirage what are you doing?" I yell frantically panicking
"Keeping..my..promise.." mirage says as he takes more blows.

"C'mon you gotta get up!!" I yell banging on his chest plates, anxiety running through my body.

"It's ok Noah" mirage says looking into my eyes as multiple blows are sent into his back. "Home.. home team"

"H-home team" I say as a tear runs down my cheek.

The sound of Scourges blaster goes off and it goes dark as Mirage falls down more but not quite crushing me.

I look up more tears falling down my face as I see the blue light fade from Mirages optics.

I jolt awake in my bed, the sheets tangles around my legs and a cold sweat across my skin. I rub my forehead running my hand through my hair as I relive the painful memory.

I glance at the clock and it read 4:00 AM. I sigh as I climb out of bed, untangling myself from the sheet. I walk to the bathroom to wash my face in an attempt to wash away the bad memory.

I wipe my face with the hand towel and looka t myself in the mirror. I had eye bags...bad eye bags and my eyes looked dead to the world with a bright pink bad around them from crying so much.

I sighed as I set down the towel and headed back to my room to get dressed. There's no point in going back to sleep anyway. I grabbed my jeans and my favorite shirt throwing my light jacket on as well.

I slip my shoes on and grab my phone and keys and sneak out the door as to not wake Lies and Ma. I walk to the garage letting the cool air bite at my face as I shove my hands in my pockets in an attempt to warm them.

When I arrive at the garage I paus for a moment, my hand inches from unlocking the door. What if I cant get him to work? I thought. What if he never comes back?

I shake my head clearing the thoughts from my brain. I unlock the door and head in flipping on the lights to see my lovely jigsaw puzzle of a friend.

God do I hope I can bring him back, I think as I shut the door behind me and head to my work bench.

I slip my light coat off and set it on the chair as I gear up to try and save my friend the way he saved me.


I roll out from under Mirage or what I hope to be Mirage. I grabbed the towel from my back pocket and attempt to get some of the grease off my hands.

I walk to the car hood placing my clean-ish hand onto the autobot symbol and gently rub it.

"God, I really need you to come back.." I trail off tears rolling down my cheeks. I drop to my knees resting my head on the hood using my arms to form a makeshift hug. "Por favor...mi amor.."(please...my love) I say as my eyes flutter shut from the lack of sleep "the quiero" (I love you) I mutter before drifting into sleep.


I startle awake as the dead mechanical face haunts my dreams once again. I rub my eyes with the back of my hands sitting up from the car hood.

I stand up stretching and turned to my work bench back to the car. I turn the radio on to have some backwards noise as I form a plan of how to complete Mirage.

I hear mechanical whirring from behind me and turn around to see Mirage stretching into the open garage.

My mouth drops open as the sight of the mech has tears rolling down my cheeks and a stupid grin plastering on my face.

"Yo boy is back! I couldn't help myself when you stretched it looked so nice" he said pulling on his arms.

"Wait.." I said "You've been here the whole time?" I questioned.

"Well not the whole time.. but after that last round I felt like... Me you know?" Mirage said finishing with his stretches.

I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks as I saw the mech in front of me. Optics flowing their ocean blue.

Mirage kneeled down to my eye level "why are you crying? Is something wrong?" He asked me concern lacing his tone.

I shake my head no but the tears kept spilling down my face. I turned away from him quickly wiping my tears away. "It's nothing man" I say cursing as my voice wavered.

I could feel Mirages heat on my back as he was so close "you sure?" He asks. I shut my eyes hard trying not to let the tears fall as the empty mechanical face erupts in my mind once more.

"Mi amor if you don't tell me what's wrong I won't be able to help you" mirage says rubbing my back with his servo.

A panic fled through my body.... "You know Spanish?" I asked turning to face him.

He nodded rubbing the back of him helm with his servo that wasn't on my back "I know un Poco" he said looking away from me a blue blush tinting his cheeks.

I laughed a little at this a blush forming on my face as well forgetting about the tears that were formerly spilled.

Mirage brought his servo back down from his helm to my cheek gently rubbing away the few tears that still fell.

"So will you tell me what's wrong?" He asks rubbing my cheek with his digit.

I didn't answer and just grabbed his digit with both my hands holding onto it like if I don't be would just disappear just as fast as he had come.

A sob wrecked my throat at the thought of him dying again the light fading from his optics. The memory replayed over in my head haunting me.

"Hey, it's ok, I've got you." Mirage says and moves his servo that was on my back to pick me up closer to him.

I immediately let go of his digit and wrapped my arms around his neck burning my face in it letting the tears consume me.

We didn't do much other than sit there as I cried and he rubbed gentle circles onto my back as tears just kept rolling.

"Noah.." mirage said "your really worrying me you know. Will you please tell me what's wrong?" He asked pleading with me.

I unwrap one of the hands from around his neck to wipe my tears away. "I-i just can't bear the thought o-of losing you again." I said struggling to talk through my hoarse throat.

"That's never gonna happen Noah." Mirage said in a calming voice "I'll never leave you again. I promise."

I nodded knowing he could feel it as a few more tears.escaoed my eyes.

I finally pulled away from Mirages neck to look at him. To look at those brilliant optics that captivated me every time I looked at them.

They were so fascinating and full of life... Unlike the last time he'd seen them.. a tear escaped down his cheek as he thought of it.

Mirages digit came to gently wipe it away and he realized them that Mirage hept his promises. He really ment that he would stay with him.

"You promise?" He asked wanting to make sure.

Mirage chuckled a little, "I promise mi amor." Noah blushed a little at what mirage had called him, his mind less foggy than before.

He layed his head back onto Mirages shoulder finding comfort in being close to the bot.

I felt sleep close to overcoming me, "Te quiero." I said as I slowly drifted off to sleep, the last thing I heard was "Yo también te quiero" before I blanked out into a peaceful dream for the first time in the last few months.

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