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For most students their day starts at 8am, choke down Edna's disgusting slop then start classes at 9. Not for the football team. They were up at 5 most days down to the field by 5:30, what a drag. Especially since you had to stand there with the whole team changing, those broad shoulders, ripped chests and nicely toned abs... from working hard for the team! Yeah working hard for the big games thats all! Nothing wrong with looking for reference material, right?

Surely they'll be fine with it right? It's not weird. Just taking mental notes thats all.

If only it was like that. Then everything could be okay.


He always struggled with staring whether it was at his naked teammates or the cheerleaders shoes, he'd stare and he'd stare hard usually causing him to get caught. He was known for his wandering eyes now. Though he felt like it couldn't be that obvious.

"Yo Kirb- get your eyes off me man!" Damon snapped getting his attention as well as causing him to jump and luster from embarrassment. Kirby just hummed before looking away hearing the team laugh at him before leaving him... alone with his thoughts.

This was becoming a problem. He even made Damon uncomfortable. And Damon was one of the weird jocks he even openly talked about his turn ons! Kirby shook his head of his worried before rushing to put the rest of his football gear on. Man, this morning's practice was gonna be long.. longer than usual.

Kirby looked down at his hands sighing at himself he looked at himself in the mirror, dark bags under his eyes even though he was used to waking up so early this wasn't normal, normal was severe bedhead and a semi waiting for practice to finish. He still had those but he also had the face of a corpse. Luckily he was alone to think about why he was bestowed with such dark bags.

Those toned bodies, strong jaws, big bulky arms that could slam you into a nice comfortable-


That's it- mood gone no way he can think about that now. Mandy had been sent to go get him since the team was probably doing laps or whatever.

He snapped her head in mandys direction greering her with an embarrassed smile. His hands shooting to his sides before one slowly raised into a wave.

"Um- hi Mandy.. what are you doing in here? It's the boys lockeroom..." He asked laughing nervously as he tried to regain his composure. He soon made his way towards her like she hadn't just caught him thinking to himself.

"Coach is getting sick of waiting he told me to come get you. Next time I'll ask him to send a boy... I did not need to see you trying to touch yourself while you were staring off in the distance." She teased giving him a small smile and playful elbow. Surprisingly she was one of his only true friends. They walked together in silence for the rest of the way as they made there way to the field Kirby noticed the coach wasn't there, probably gone to get something from the staff room so he decided to do laps until he came back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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