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After what it felt like 6 hours I got to la! I had ordered a Uber and got to my boyfriends house I was currently in small hotel that I got for 3 hours I walked out and walked to my boyfriends apartment as I was walking I was getting werid looks from people but I just ignored it and continued my heart started to pound as I got closer as soon as I knew it I was right in from of the door I joked by opening the door but it actually opened I was confused on why it was opened but i ignored it and walked up to his room as I opened the door I did not only see Kai and also Elizabeth making out what the actual FUCK KAI! I shouted out they both immediately turned to me Babe Kai said and started to go Towards I stepped back and said don't babe me a tear started to fall down my face I looked at Elizabeth she was just smiling towards us I walked up to her and said I thought you were my friend.. she looked up at me and started laughing I gave her a confused look then she said I was using you for your boyfriend I gasped as she said that I then slapped her as soon was I did I put my hand over my mouth I looked up at Kai and flipped him off and said fuck you. I then walked out and started to cry I walked out the apartment complex and sat down I then got a call I stopped crying and picked up my phone hello I said my voice was shaking Liv? It was a familiar voice w-who is this? I questioned its kat is everything ok? They said kat omg I cried more kat asked what was wrong and I told her how I went to la to surprise Kai and found he was Cheating on my with one of my best friend's wait your in la? She asked I said yeah she then said Omg come over to the address I send you! All I said was ok bye. She said bye and I looked up the address and saw it was a house I then got back to my hotel to get my bag and I ordered a Uber and drove to the house. I saw it was a really big house I got out the car and walked up to a green gate I acted like a knew the pass code so the Uber would drive away and it did so I then messaged kat and said I was here then all the sudden the green gate opened it made me jump and the I walked up to the brown wood door and knocked the door opened and I saw kat she smiled at me and pulled me to a hug she carried me and spun me around I then smiled a little she put me down and saw my eyes were red she frowed towards me and got her hand on my cheek she then grabbed my hand and went to the living room where everybody was sam saw me and hugged me bear when did you come here ever cents Sam and kat met Sam has a nickname for me and it's bear I hugged him back as everybody was looking at us confused he pulled away and looked at me for second before he turned around and said everybody this is Olivia she is kats little sister but she likes to go by Liv he looked at me and smiled then he saw my red eyes he then whispered to me have you been doing w-weed? no I said he looked at me and said ok good. Well Sam said introduce yourself then this guy had stood up and walked up to me and said hi my name is Cole but I go by Colby he he said then smiled towards me I did the same then they all introduce themselves to me then Sam said we should have a party! I was just next to kat while he said that everyone agreed while I stayed silent Sam looked at me and said what do you think I smiled and said ok he smiles at me and looked up at Colby he said Colby looked up and said yeah? Call and invite some people over ok Colby said everybody else went upstairs to get ready so the only people that was downstairs was me, kat, Sam, and Colby.
Me and kat were talking and Sam and Colby were calling people to come to the party Sam then looks at us and says you two girls go get ready for the party kat says ok Liv come on let's go get ready! She says we go up to the stairs and we go up to sams room it was a pretty big room we were getting dress she wears a tight red dress and I wear this

Me and kat were talking and Sam and Colby were calling people to come to the party Sam then looks at us and says you two girls go get ready for the party kat says ok Liv come on let's go get ready! She says we go up to the stairs and we go up to s...

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As I looked in the mirror I said wow I l-look good I smiled kat came from behind me and put her hands on my shoulder and said wow your so beautiful love. Then we heard music coming from downstairs we both looked towards the door and then kats says it's go time she grabs my hand and then runs downstairs to see everybody dancing and having fun kats sees her friends and she says I will be back and runs to her friends I just walked to the couch and sat while looking at everyone having fun after a while this guy came up to me and sat next to me hey he said hi I say the names Brennan he smirks I'm Liv I say he then got closer to be and put his hand on my thigh I looked up at him while he started to rub his hand up and down my thigh I give him a look that says I'm uncomfortable he looks at me in the eyes and then moves to my lips I gross out as he started to lean in I get my other hand and move his face away from mine I take his hand off my thigh and walked away from as I was walking away I bumped into someone sorry! I say I look up to see it was Colby he looked down at me and said it was ok I smiled up at him and continued to make my way to the kitchen I saw some shots so I toke some after 7 shots I started to feel the alcohol then someone came up to me I saw it was Colby I said hey he said the same then he handed me a white claw i then had a confused look then his eyes wide you don't know what white claw is he said in complete shock I shook my head no then he said to drink it I then opened the lid and took a sip and wow it was something I then chugged the whole can he look at me with a grin on his face I then walked to everyone dancing and took my leather jacket off and started to swing it then it dropped somewhere I started to dance then Colby came and started to dance with me I then was laughing while going to the couch and sat down Colby came and sat next to me I then leaned my head in his shoulder and fell asleep after a while I woke up to me being lifted up in a bridal style way I opened my eyes to see it was Colby carrying me I then was set gently on a bed I guessing it was Colby's I then saw him leave and I saw kat come in with some clothes in her hand I saw her coming towards and change me to my pajamas she then left I got up and looked at my clothes it was this

 Then we heard music coming from downstairs we both looked towards the door and then kats says it's go time she grabs my hand and then runs downstairs to see everybody dancing and having fun kats sees her friends and she says I will be back and ru...

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I then saw the door nob slowly opening I then jumped quickly on the bed and acted like I was asleep I saw it was Colby he had shorts on and he was shirtless I saw him lay on the floor and sleep I felt bad for taking his bed but i slowly fell asleep

I think this was long enough yeah

Katrina's little sister?!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt