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my comments:(   )

characters talking:"   "

characters thoughts:[    ]

I will note when a part takes place when such as past: or present: before that part begins

if its in someone's pov I will say whos like -Dazai's pov- but it will mostly be in third person

_______________________ this when idk how tf else to go to the next part

hope you enjoy:)

___________________________(I can see the comments rolling in lmao)

Dazai sat up, sighing he looked over to see his fiance still asleep. Noting this he would use it to his advantage, laying down and trying to go back to sleep for as long as possible, hoping to miss work once again. Although he thinks Chuuya's starting to notice he's been missing work more lately. So he did just that, he layed back down and pulled the other closer, the ginger leaning into his chest with a steady breath, getting comfy as Dazai hugged him close. Goddamn did he look beautiful though... the brunet always loved these moments, he would hold them close forever.


Chuuya slowly blinked awake, groaning as he did, looking up to see Dazai asleep above him. He smiled as he slowly got out of Dazai's arms, standing up to get dressed. He went to their shared closet, a large walk in one mostly filled of random clothes Chuuya owns, a small corner being filled of Dazai's limited items, most huge sweaters and baggy sweatpants, as well as what he normally wore to work. Chuuya shook his head and walked over to his work clothes, grabbing some and changing into them. He walked over to Dazai's section and grabbed what he needed for work, he set them down on a chair and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it.

"Oi mackerel wake up."

He leaned up and shook Dazai until he woke up, the man swatting him away with one hand, the other moving up to rub his eyes before he sat up, looking over at Chuuya.

"Time is it?"

He mumbled slightly incoherent as the ginger got back up, going over to the chair and picking up Dazai's clothes and throwing them at him.

"Work time baby."

The taller groaned, getting up anyways. He knew what was gonna happen, he would get up for Chuuya, going into the kitchen as the other prepared something small for him to eat to make sure he would before he had to leave. The ginger would leave, Dazai by himself and going to change before laying back down and going to sleep again, or anything other than going to work. Don't get him wrong he loves his job but its been getting too hard lately to do anything, so instead of going and being scolded he lays in bed for hours, changing back into comfy clothes before Chuuya gets back.

He wished the other would skip work as well, he always was too clingy to Chuuya, those two years apart killed him. Not being able to be near the man he loved, the man he wanted near him at all times, the one he was so used to looking at all the time whenever he wanted. He was shocked when he found out the ginger hadn't moved on, but he was glad he knew when he finally came out of hiding  the other could be his again, he loved that thought and it kept him motivated for those two years.



Dazai came to Chuuya's favorite bar one night, seeing the ginger and sitting near him silently. The ginger looked towards him, clearly to spat out some snarky comment to some random guy who sat next to him, his face going into shock when he saw Dazai. He slapped the man's arm before he laid his head on his shoulder.

"Where you been dumbass? It's been like two months, got worried sick about you."

He chuckled, his one hand grabbing Chuuya's drink so he could take a sip out of it. Setting it down after he did. His other hand moving up to play with Chuuya's hair before he finally started talking.

"Left the mafia, I'm in hiding right now so don't tell anyone you saw me. Before you ask I promised someone to go be good so I'm not coming back. Just needed to see you.."

Chuuya froze up for a few minutes before nodding slightly, he wasn't gonna try he knew Dazai wouldn't change his mind, as long he didn't leave Chuuya.. he came to see him so Dazai wouldn't leave him right? He hoped not... Dazai's his whole world now. The ginger doesn't know what he would be able to do without him.



Dazai sighed about an hour later, getting up and going back to the kitchen, grabbing a drink.

[I need to go to work though.. yeah whatever I'll go today. I'll just hang out with Ranpo-san and get Kunikida-kun to do my work~]


Dazai was walking into the work for the first time this week, skipping out on other days considering it was now Wednesday. He sighed as he entered the building, looking at his desk to see the pile of work he had building up from over the last month. Kunikida looked up and sighed, everyone turning as they heard the man start to speak.

"Your late Dazai, and you missed the last two days where have you been? We had a really important mission, Atsushi and Tanizaki had to fill in for yo-"

Dazai rolled his eyes as he walked over to his desk, sitting down before interrupting the blond man.

"Busy, I was busy with something more important than some old lady getting robbed or something if that's alright with you Kunikida-san."

He smiled up as the other went silent, not knowing what to say, turning back to continue his work instead which made Dazai chuckle internally. He looked at his paperwork and smiled, looking back up to Kunikida.

"Kunikida-kun will you do my paperwork pleaseeeeee~"

The other shook his head and got ready to begin scolding the other once again.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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