The icy wind blew Bonnie's long dark hair in her face as she got out of the car. The village was bigger and far more beautiful than Bonnie had anticipated. It was enchanting really. She looked around in wonder and feeling almost mystified by her surroundings. The air crackled with electricity and her senses seemed to come alive under the familiar currents of magic floating in the air.

"That's my school!" Hope gushed as she got out of the car and came to stand next to Bonnie. "Look!" she pointed to a red curly haired girl walking with her mother towards the building. "That's my best friend, Claire." She happily waved at the little freckled girl. The girl waved back and smiled in their direction while the mother stared at Bonnie with open curiosity.

"Alright," Klaus said as he helped his daughter with her backpack. "Time to head inside."

"I'll wait here," Bonnie told them.

Klaus nodded before taking his daughter's hand in his.

"I'll see you this afternoon," Hope said to Bonnie with a smile on her face. "I can't wait to show you around. You will love it."

Bonnie smiled back. Hope's happiness and excitement was contagious.

"Bye!" Hope waved.

"Bye!" Bonnie waved back and watched as Klaus walked Hope all the way to the entrance of the school where a stern looking middle aged woman was ushering the kids inside. The bells of the church tolled as dozens of parents delivered their kids to the old building.

Klaus crouched down in front of Hope and said something to her, which made the little witch giggle before she threw her arms around his neck in a fierce hug. They pulled apart and Klaus kissed the top of her head.

He loves her, Bonnie realized. There should be no surprise in that, all fathers should love their daughters but there was something about seeing the most powerful vampire in the world smile and kiss his little girl with tenderness. It was a rare and precious thing that she had just witnessed. It was also disconcerting, this was Klaus the vampire that had terrorized her friends back in Mystic Falls, the one they had feared and tried to murder and yet here he was, looking like a regular human dad as he dropped his daughter to school.

Hope happily ran inside the school. She waved one last time in Bonnie's direction before meeting up with her friend Claire and heading inside with the other children.

The smile on Klaus's face as he walked back to the car was unguarded and filled with happiness. The moment he noticed Bonnie watching him however, the smile disappeared and a mask of indifference was put in place.

Bonnie felt nervous and unsettled. She didn't know what to make of the hybrid anymore and even though he didn't show it, Klaus was experiencing something similar. They were both in uncharted territory and were trying to make the best of it.

"Walk with me," Klaus told her as he led the way towards the main street.

Bonnie quietly fell into a step beside him.

No more words were exchanged between them.

• • • •

Drusilla, that was the name of the clan's leader and she was also the owner of Morrigan's Magic Shop. She was a tall, pale, blue eyed beauty with long dark hair that was pulled into a messy ponytail. She was absolutely stunning, her skin looked smooth, she had high cheekbones, a perfectly defined nose, and full red lips that curled into a grimace the moment she spotted Klaus.

Bonnie felt rather nervous in her presence. Drusilla emanated an aura of power that had Bonnie's skin prickling and her stomach coiling with uncertainty. This was a woman you didn't mess with.

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