"Hey, so you go get ready for the day and we'll go shopping, 'kay?" She pulled away and walked toward the door.

"Oh, uhm, okay! Yeah, just give me like an hour." I watched her close the door.

I quickly finished the rest of my food and began to get ready.

I hopped in the shower and did my routine. When I got out, I did some skincare, and [anything else you do], and went to my room to get dressed.

(My hair takes hours to dry soooo we're gonna pretend that in this universe, her hair drys in like 10 minutes 😭)

I went down the stairs with my shoes and my bag on.

My mother was sitting on the couch, scrolling on her phone. She didn't seem ready at all.

"Hey, Mama, are you ready to go?" I walked down to the spot next to her.

"Huh? Oh, uh, I'm not quite ready yet." She got up and walked to her room.

I'm guessing that I'll be waiting for about 30 minutes.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through social media.



"Brooklyn is in turmoil as a new super-villain named "Prowler," which wreaks havoc with daring heists and clever tricks. Prowler's sneaky moves and high-tech gadgets have everyone puzzled, making it hard for the police to catch him.

People are worried about Prowler's motives, with some thinking he wants to take over or cause trouble. Others believe there might be a bigger plan behind his actions.

Late at night, around 12 AM, Prowler struck a truck with a huge medicine shipment inside! Fortunately, he only seemed to take a few bags. However, now this means that the ones who need it won't be able to receive their amount prescribed."

The more I read into that, the more interested I got.

I've never heard about this, Prowler. Well- I've heard of him, but I've never actually read about what he does.

"Hey, let's go." My mom snapped me out of my thoughts. She opened the front door and waited for me to follow with her.

When we both went in the car, she noticed how silent I was. "Hey, what's up? You barely said a word."

"Oh, well, I was just thinking about that Prowler guy." I stare down at my phone, reading more on this article.

"Oh, him? Psshh, don't worry about it. He never seems to come to this part of town. If I have to guess, it's some hoity-toity white guy who only cares about the more... developed part of brooklyn." She glanced over to me while she spoke.

"Hmm, I guess you're right. But I wonder what his real intentions are." I set down my phone and looked at my mom.

"Well, he's only been stealing medical supplies, no? I can only assume that he's not using them for good." She let out a sigh and glanced over to me, smiling while doing so.

We soon pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

"Okay, Y/N. Here's a hundred dollars. I just got my tax return, so don't worry. I'm gonna be in the spa, so you can go do what you want." She handed me some cash. We then left the car and walked toward the entrance of the mall.

When we both entered, we went out separate ways.

I went to [store of your choice] and looked around. I think 100 dollars might not be enough, but I'm not gonna complain.

Stupidity // Miles-42 X Fem!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt