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Read slow for best experience!! ;)

Lilith pov-

I sat up, picked up my phone and looked at the time. 11:20

"Ughh" I groaned. "What's up." Jade asked. "Nothing it's fine." I heard my phone ding as I went to set it down. Mom had texted. I opened up messages.

Mumzies 💕
Hey I'm working over night I won't get home until 4 in the morning I am so sorry hunny.

It's okay, I love you.

Love you too.

"She's working overnight." I said. "Yeah she texted." Jade chuckled. I turned around looking at her painted sarcastic grin. "Yeah yeah.." I said getting on top of jade sitting on her waste leaning over above her. "Wha- he hey.." she chuckled.

"I'm hungry." I said. "What.." she said with a smirk on her face. "No like I'm actually hungry." I said getting up and putting on sweat pants. "Okay." She said following me down stairs.

I searched the whole pantry and cupboards and couldn't find anything I wanted to eat. "I can order some pizza.." Jade suggested. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah." She said. "Okay yeah." I said.

I leaned against the island counter as she stood against the stove ordering the pizza. "Alright.. ordered." She said turning around.

She walked towards me and grabbed my waist. "Hey.." she said leaning into the crook of my neck. She laid gentle kisses. She pulled my body closer towards hers slightly swaying side to side. "I could get used to this." I said smiling.

She leaned away. "Come o-" I began to say before she picked me up onto the counter and held my waist. She kissed me and we both slowly grinned into each other bodies deepening our kiss.

"MY EYES!" I heard Jayson yell as he walked into the kitchen. Jade jumped back, and I snapped my neck to see Jayson on the floor with his hands over his eyes freaking out.

Jade started laughing. "MY EYES MY EYES!!!! BLEACH! I NEED BLEACH!" He said. I hopped off the counter pulling jayson off the floor. "Quit your fussing." I said. "Did I hear something about pizza.." he said crossing his arms. "Yeah." Jade said.

"Awsome, I was going to get food and walked in to see.. whatever that was." He said in a sassy tone. "I want to erase my memory." He said walking out the kitchen into the guest bathroom.

Jade and I looked at each other with a "what the fuck just happened." face. I gave an awkward smile to exaggerate the mood. She chuckled. "Your so cute." She said. "No you." I said back. "Mmm that's not how that works." She said. "Well how does it work." I said wrapping my arms around her waist hugging her. "I'm not sure. All I know is there is only one person that can be cute." She said. "Is that's so.." I said. "Yes." She said rubbing my back.

We swayed side to side for a while until jayson came back out until the kitchen. We went and sat on the couch waiting for the pizza to arrive. Jayson quickly passed out laying in the couch while me and jade cuddled together.

It was now 1 in the morning Jayson is passed out and me and Jade are just talking.

"Hey so at the game.." I said. "Yeah." She said. "Well I met your sister." I said. "What did she do? Did she say anything to you? Did she hurt you?" She snapped. "No no, wait what, hurt me? No, she just said she wanted to be my friend, Brandon told me she was probably jealous." I said. She didn't say anything. "To make it better Brandon told her to shoo, like literally said "shoo." I said.

"I don't know she got real close and started talking about you and our relationsh-" she cut me off by kissing me.

She was jealous.

She held my face and waist dominanting our kiss. It felt nice but I was confused. I pulled away. "What was that for?" I asked. She looked away, they way she got jealous.. "you know that I would never think of me and your sister right?" I reassured. She didn't respond. I moved myself over on top of her, sitting on her lap.

I looked her dead in the eyes. "Your my girlfriend... and if you really don't want me around your sister I'll try my best to avoid her." I said. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me.

Her face rested in my chest while I played with her hair, she pulled away and looked up at me. "Thank you." She said. "Of course." I said holding her face, rubbing my thumb over her jawline. I moved my thumb over to her lips without breaking eye contact I kissed her.

Jades pov—

She kissed me, I held her waist and pulled her into me, she started grinding her hips into mine. She held my face with both hands passionately kissing me, her tongue pried it's way into my mouth begging for entry, I let it. Her tongue explored almost every part of my mouth as her hips grinned in a pattern. She stopped and pulled away.

"We're tired. Let's get some rest." She said moving herself off of me. Jayson was asleep on the opposite side of the couch, Lilith fell asleep next to me and later I passed out.


I woke up to Lilith's mom lightly shaking Lilith to wake her up. We both woke up and sat up. Jayson was eating breakfast at the dinning table. "Sorry to wake y'all but it's 10." She said. "Jade I'm so sorry that you had to stay over night, I need you for a few more hours." She said. "Okay." I said.

Lilith's mom wanted to take a shower and sleep. "Wait mom, I can drop jayson off at daycare and I can go over to jades house, so you can have the house to yourself?" Lilith said. She took a good second before agreeing. "Okay, here jade." She said and pulled out her wallet handing me the babysitting money. "Thank you jade." She said. "Your welcome." I said back.

Her mom ran off somewhere. "Jayson pack your daycare bag and get in the car." Lilith said. "Ight." He said. "I'll drive my car back and I'll send you my address I said." I got my keys and waited at my house for her, the only problem was that my sister is home.

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