bunk off

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sunday is meant to be the day of rest. but where there are four horny teenage boys, there shall be no rest. that was how i came to spend yet another sunday afternoon in the park with simon, will, neil, and jay.

a frisbee was hurled towards me and i caught it, reluctantly.

"do i really have to play frisbee with you lot? i was planning on sitting in the grass and reading my book." i complained, letting the frisbee fall onto the ground in protest.

"f/n's right. this is so gay! why can't we play football?" jay inquired, as i tried to find a suitable spot on the grass to rest.

"chasing men around a field with your top off. what could be more gay than that?" will replied, sarcastically.

"anyway, we're playing frisbee because girls can join in. trust me, girls love this!" he added, as i scoffed from where i was lying down.

"trust me, girls do not love this." i mumbled, pulling out my copy of tolstoy's 'anna karenina'.

"you're scared to play football in case donovan joins in and breaks your legs!" jay laughed. i recalled mark threatening will after the so-called 'black horse incident'. will was to expect a beating from mark on an unspecified date sometime during the next school year.

"oh my god, check out the jugasaurus rex!" neil exclaimed, pointing over to a group of girls, one of which had enormous boobs. even i was in disbelief.

"and it's carli!" simon noticed, smiling with glee.

"perfect! watch this. carli! carli!" will yelled, attempting to throw the frisbee her way. my heart lurched in my chest realising what was about to happen. it was as if everything was in slow motion.

the frisbee flew off to the side only to hit a woman in a wheelchair smack on her head. the groups fight or flight insticts kicked in and i was not going to stick around to see how the interaction played out.

i shoved my book back in my bag and made a dash for it, trying to catch up to neil and jay. neil turned back and noticed me struggling a bit, so he held out his hand, which i gladly took.

with neil pulling me along, the three of us made it to a clearing at the end of the road and we sat down together on the kerb.

"i cannot believe how utterly special will is." i muttered, shaking my head. jay turned towards me and chuckled.

"yeah, i know, it's almost like... hang on a minute, why are you two holding hands?" he asked, as i looked down at my side and noticed that neil's fingers were still intertwined with mine. i tried to let go but his grip remained firm.

"neil, you can let go of my hand now..." i said, as he turned towards me. it took him a few seconds to understand what was going on, though when he did he let my hand go, visibly blushing.

i felt my ears getting hot and i wasn't sure where to look, so i resolved to focusing on my shoes. we sat there in what can only be described as a slightly awkward silence until will and simon came bounding through the clearing, saving the situation.

"all right?" neil asked, as they tried catching their breath.

"not really?" will replied, rather obviously.

"what's up?" neil asked, innocently.

"well, think back, neil. the last time you saw us a frisbee was heading straight towards a disabled girl's head!" will burst out, neil making an 'o' shape with his mouth in response.

"we can't bunk off tomorrow now!" neil exclaimed.

"why not?" i asked, as he turned to me.

"it's bad karma, innit? hitting a spastic? it could be a sign." he noted, matter-of-factly.

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