But what if you came here to tell her that he wanted to be with her? 

What would her answer be? 

Would she still think like this?

The doorbell rang, and she walked with slow steps and a hand on her heart as she opened the door for him. If she was the one who looked unsure with a crazy heartbeat and a hundred questions in her head, he certainly did not look any better than her. He didn't look like he had even thought before coming to her.

If she was being honest, he looked his age today. Throughout the time that she had been with him, he always looked younger than his age and definitely fitter. But today, maybe it was the worry revealing his age or maybe time was finally catching up to him.

Wafaa didn't say anything, just stepped at a side and let him walk inside her house, closing the door behind. She didn't know what he was going to say, what they were going to talk about or even if they were going to have a civil conversation.

For once, Iskander did not look pleased to see her.

He told her he was proud of her, proud of the woman she had grown into, and it was the best birthday gift to watch her perform for him. Then he told her he was coming to see her, and now he looked pissed at her.

It was literally midnight, and here he was, looking so angry and mad that Wafaa had to gulp and look away for a small moment. What was he going to say? Was he going to unleash all the pent up anger and frustration that he held within him? Was he going to tell her how awful she made his life?

Even after all the mistakes that she had made , he had not even once yelled at her. But tonight, it truly seemed like he would.

She walked towards the kitchen next, sitting on one of the high chairs, as she saw him lean against the wall. For a few moments, both of them just stared at each other.

She didn't know what he wanted to say, and she could not say anything until he said something.

Finally, when she could not take the silence at all, she spoke up, breaking their staring session.

"Does Isabella know you're here?" She enquired, as if that was the correct question to ask. It truly wasn't.

If anything, Iskander looked more pissed at her.

"I broke up with her. " he replied within an instant, not understanding why she was even questioning him about Isabella, why she had to bring up the one woman who was actually mature about everything in life.

"What? Why?" Wafaa was surprised, because just a few days ago, he was happy with her, just yesterday he was actually with her. Why did he break up with her like this? Why did he do it? Was it because of Wafaa? Was that it?

"Because unlike you Wafaa, I don't like to string a person along if I'm in love with someone else."  Iskander sharply replied, causing the woman in front of him to swallow the bile down her throat.

For a moment, she was quiet and embarrassed at his words. In the next, she stood up for herself.

"Right, I'm sorry to have questioned you. But i never strung you along,"  she shot back, because she had never given him false hope.

"Are you serious?" Iskander said, hearing her words. He couldn't believe she was saying that, even though she had broken up with him and he chose to love her, he believed that she loved him with all of her heart and she was forced to be with Wajeeh only.

But then, she fell in love with him and broke his heart.

Wafaa let out a nod, telling him off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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