Being with them would include

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Daemon Targaryen

Mind blowing sex constantly
Him being protective of you when you are around the greens
Him constantly getting you pregnant as he loves the way you look when pregnant
Riding on caraxes to watch the sunset
Him teaching you how to fight to protect yourself

Viserys Targaryen

Getting along with Rhaenyra really well
Constantly helping viserys with important council decisions
Sitting in the council meetings with him
Knowing that you have to provide heirs for him but do so with no problem
Helping him fight to keep Rhaenyra the heir to the iron throne

Rhaenyra Targaryen

Riding on Syrax together
Both learning the history of Valeria
Rhaenyra teaching you high Valyrian so you can interact with her dragon
Her showing all of the secret tunnels in the red keep
Taking you to dragonstone whenever things get tense in the red keep

Alicent Hightower

Going to highgarden  to see her family
Reading history books together
Helping each other when the other person gets nervous or stressed
Her protecting you from her scheming father
Becoming close with her older and only brother

Aegon Targaryen

Being his comfort person
Him telling you his deepest darkest secrets
Rides on sunfrye together
Both stealing cake from the kitchen like your 12 again
Him making sure no one hurts you.
Getting Aemond to look after you when he is busy

Aemond Targaryen

Helping him become more confident with his one eye
Watching him fight
Both spending time together
Reading together
Walks together
Him protecting you from drunk Aegon
Him protecting your from his grandfathers fishy schemes
Riding vhagar together

Helena Targaryen

Riding dreamfrye together
Helping her decode her riddles
Doing embroidery together
Both of you shielding each other from harm and abuse they happens in the red keep
Being each others comfort person

Harwin strong

Him teaching you how to fight
Him showing you the wonders of the river islands
You both learning how to run harrenhal once his father dies
Him and laenor often sparing together meaning both you and Rhaenyra have to hunt to find them together
Going on your dragon together
Him teaching you how to hunt

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