(18) "i love you"

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Today was the Eurovision final, the day everyone was waiting for. That morning Delilah quickly caught up with Bella but had to leave to be ready for that evening pretty quickly.

Everyone was getting there hair done and Jure spent about 15 minutes getting his hair blow dried. Then everyone got ready for the flag parade. This was a good chance for Delilah to chat with Alessandra. Bojan was singing Queen of the Kings which was funny due to how high it is. He was trying his best to lighten the mood.

Joker Out just went on for the flag parade meaning Delilah had to go on in just a few seconds. She held the flag behind her with her arms in the air. Everyone cheered when they saw her, it was a surreal moment for her.

During the show everyone was sat in their designated area's. Delilah the last to perform so watching everyone else made her really nervous. Throughout the show she would regularly visit Slovenia's seating area except for the mid show interviews. Bojan made sure to keep reassuring Delilah that everything will go well which helped with her nerves, just being around him helped her.

Delilah definitely screamed the loudest during Cha Cha Cha and Unicorn. Both Joker out and Delilah were back stage ready to perform.

"Your going to do so well trust me" she said to Bojan cupping his face "your song is honestly one of the best and even if you don't get the score that you want know that I will love you okay"

Shit. She didn't mean to say that.

"I love you too lilah, I can't wait to see you perform" he said kissing her.

"Okay okay you need to go" she hurried him away "good luck"

She watched them perform from the screen backstage, her eyes were glued to it. It was a great performance now she had to do the same.

She headed to the stage and was ready. As she appeared the whole crowd cheered. She got into position and started singing, she sang it with so much more passion, like she had a reason to sing it now. She got to the end of the song and the whole stadium went quiet.

"Scream if you watching on your television
I like to get put in different positions
Can't believe it's finally Eurovision"

They crowd applauded her as she walked off. It was such a relief for Delilah that is was over. She was immediately greeted with a group hug.

(I really rushed through the whole Eurovision thing bc I honestly didn't know how to write it lol)


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