Are We Still Friends? (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"But I killed you! There was no valid reason why I killed you. I was angry, and killed you." Hanako said, his hands gripping the book impossibly harder, blood was coming out more quickly now. you grabbed Hanako's hands, removing them from the book. The object slid off from his lap, landing on the floor with a sickening thud, the noise seemed to startle Hanako, and he flinched.

"Yes, you killed me. But guess what? I forgive you. I've forgiven you ever since the day I remembered my past with you," Hanako was facing you, but his head hung low, hat covered his face so you couldn't see his facial features. You reached a hand out, griping Hanako's hat and taking it off slowly, putting it off to the side. His eyes were watery, tears threatening to spill over.

"If anything, I'm grateful I'm dead. If you hadn't killed me, I wouldn't be here right now, talking to you, continuing to be friends with you."

A knife was pointed right at you, the tip of the blade piercing through your shirt and drawing a small amount of blood. It surprised you, but you had to stay calm in this situation. If you freaked out, Hanako would go berserk.

"I could kill you again," Hanako stated, the knife moving closer to your body. Tears started falling down his face, his breathing was uneven and he was shaking vigorously. Hanako was right, of course, he was. Of course, he could kill you, you've seen him kill other apparitions before.

You reached out and grabbed the hand that held onto the knife, you smiled a little. "But do you want to?" You asked, the hand that was wrapped around Hanako's tightened its hold. Hanako took a deep breath, "No." He mumbled quietly, dropping the knife, it clattered to the floor loudly. Slowly, you moved towards Hanako, wrapping him in a tight embrace. Hanako stiffened at the touch, then loosened, digging his face into your shoulder, breaking down. You rubbed his back comfortingly. Hanako quickly threw his arms around you, pulling the both of you into a tighter hug.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry. . ." Hanako repeated over and over. "I-I Didn-n't mean to do it. I-I-" You hushed him. "It's alright, I forgive you. There's no reason to be sorry anymore," You said quietly, placing your lips on the crown of Hanako's head. You don't know why, but it felt right to kiss him, trying your best to comfort him. Hanako sniffed. "You shouldn't forgive me." He said. You shook your head. "But I do. I'll forgive you no matter what, I promise." You stated.

This was the true Hanako. The one hiding behind cheesy smiles and flirty remarks. A scared little kid, looking for something to hold onto. It broke your heart seeing Hanako like this, how his past hurt him to this extent, how he couldn't accept it all. Hanako was about to speak but you shushed him. "Don't talk, just breathe, okay?" You instructed softly. Hanako nodded, understanding, and pulled you impossibly closer to him.

Tsuchigomori stood outside the old abandoned girl's bathroom, listening to the two apparitions. He smiled, the pain and confusion wouldn't go away, and probably never would, but at least they knew. At least they know their pasts of each other. At least they forgive each other. At least they're still friends after this. At least they didn't let go of each other.

And that was good enough.

* * *



"Wake up!"

"C'mon, wake up!"

You opened your eyes, feeling groggy and tired. You were awoken by a high-pitched female voice, and someone shaking your shoulder. You looked towards the voice.

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