Ch.2 Aurdon high

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5 days earlier,

Mal walks the hall of Aurdon high. She goes to the food hall and picks up an biscuit. She was about to eat it before hearing a stomach growl. She could hear it underneath the table. Ever curious she pulls the table cloth up to see a blonde girl hiding underneath. The girl looked worse for wear. For example she looked like skin and bones. The girl flinches upon seeing Mal.

"CJ ? Is that you ?" Mal asks gently.

"Hey Malsy" The blonde girl said weakly.

"What are you doing here CJ ?" Mal asks.

"I followed Freddy here just to get away from my dad" The blonde girl known as CJ said.

"You look hungry" Mal said as she gives her biscuit to CJ who eats it at a fast rate.

"I haven't ate anything in weeks" CJ said as Mal sits in front of her.

Mal grabs a plate of food and a glass of water and hands it to CJ. CJ eats the food at a fast rate. Mal puts a comforting hand on CJ'S shoulder.

"You can stay here Ben can inroll you in Aurdon" Mal said.

"No I went to go on adventure get away from the responsibility all I need is a ship" CJ explains.

"Okay I can help you" Mal said.

"I need to head to Neverland" CJ said.

Mal offers a hand to CJ who grabs it.

"Come on some friends wants to see you" Mal said.
CJ follows Mal to a bedroom. There CJ saw an african american girl wearing an red outfit and hat laying on a bed.

On the other side of the room was a french girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She wore a brown coat and pants with a white shirt. Theses girls were Freddie daughter of Dr. Faccirrly and Lydia daughter of Lefou.

The two girls look at CJ and smile. CJ awakadly wave to the girls.

"CJ it's good to see you" Freddie said.

"CJ !" Lydia cheers as she runs up to CJ and hugs her.

"It's great to see you guys" CJ said as she hugs Lydia.

"What happened CJ?" Freddie asks.

"I hitched a ride off the Isle I just wanted to get away from my dad and siblings" CJ admits.

"It's okay CJ we have your back" Freddie said.

"Would you guys come with Never land with me?" CJ said.

"Of course CJ we could use some adventure" Lydia said.

A boy with black hair,emerald eyes and pale skin walk into the room. CJ smiles and rushes to the boy hugging him.

"Goth I missed you" CJ said as she hugs the pale boy.

This was Goth the son of Mother Gothal. You see Goth was a mute or he refused to speak. No one knows which one but Goth always kept to himself since he was shy.

"Come on guys let's go to Neverland" CJ said.

"How are we gonna get there ?" Freddie asks.

CJ brings out a bag of fairy dust and shows it to her friends.

"Look out for each other" Mal said.

CJ opens up a window and sprinklers fairy dust on her 3 friends. Then they fly away.

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