Rok Soo insisted about how children should eat well, sleep well, and play well. 

On sometimes felt like they were similar on many aspects. As if Rok Soo knew exactly what it's like to be an orphan kid living on the streets. Not that Rok Soo didn't talk about his past or anything of that. 

How bizarre, but On didn't need him to share anything about himself. Rok Soo seems like a nice guy. Someone who was goodhearted to accept her and Hong as soon as he found out. Rok Soo had never told Cale about their true nature when they asked him not to. 

Because she wanted Cale to find out himself. 

And if he's not willing to accept them, then they would leave. She won't blame Cale for that choice. It was also her fault for fooling him.

For now... On wanted to keep what she finally had before another tragedy happens. Maybe Cale might view them normally and stay with them. Maybe if her brother and herself kept acting like average kittens, Cale would never ever know and they could have a better future with the life they led now. 

The sounds of familiar footsteps approached her from behind and On tried to shake away her thoughts. She has to focus on the situation at hand, even amidst an emotional disaster, she faced Kim Rok Soo and gestured her paw towards the bubble. 

“Cale?” Kim Rok Soo breathed, still trying to catch his breath after literally rolling down a hill. Ah fuck, his whole body was in pain from the impact, and now his head felt dizzy. Why does this always happens to him? What'd he ever do to deserve this?!

“How long has he been like this?” 

“Around thirty minutes, nya.”

Kim Rok Soo furrowed his eyebrows at Cale. He took a deep breath while he calms himself, steadying his voice as he spoke. “Damn, I want to rest too.” He tiredly stated as two kittens hummed softly at his misfortune, sitting down side by side. They waited for another thirty minutes. 

“Rok Soo-nya, how long is he going to be like this? I'm famished!” Hong complains out loud, breaking the silence while his stomach rumbled hungrily.

At the same time, Kim Rok Soo has already been walking back and forth observing Cale's circular shield. “Me too! Waited for so long, nya.” 

He raises his arms slowly. On and Hong had a dumbfounded expression, looking at him as if he was a madman. “Look at him. Is he blessing the land or something?” 

Meeooowww. “He's becoming weirder everyday.”

Poof! The older guy curls up his lips in satisfaction as he catches Cale on his arms before he's met with the ground. The smile was quickly replaced with a frown upon seeing his state. 

The redheaded male was a mess: his face covered in specks of dirt, his clothes almost that of a beggar with how filthy and ripped it was. Cale was in a disheveled state and injured. 

He puffs out an exhausted sigh, Kim Rok Soo wouldn't have expected this earlier when they were saving the Black Dragon but he swore to never have Cale wear his cloak ever, or else he might end up this way again.

Oh, the consequences of his actions. The older guy purses his lips, trying his best to not contort his face into a grimace. As he began to walk away from this location, he could feel the kittens climb on his body like a ladder. With Hong resting on his shoulder and On settling on top of his head. 

The older guy sighs yet again, his heart felt quite heavy that day. 


Kim Rok Soo had so many problems. 

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