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It was a few days after Ambrosius' interview.

Nimona knocked on the tower door just like how they first met, she didn't get an answer after 5 minutes so she went inside but couldn't find any sign of Ballister, surprisingly she didn't even notice the blood and the gun on the floor. She looked all around town, having to fly so people didn't bother her so much. She didn't find ballister but she did find Ambrosius' house. She knocked.

"I honestly dont care- oh. Nimona right? Come in." Ambrosius closed the door behind Nimona

"So do you know where boss is?" Nimona cut straight to the chase.

"Oh. Your about a month to late." Ambrosius sadly told her.

"What do you mean?" Nimona asked, confused

"He saw you turned into a pheonix but when you didn't come back for 2 months he gave up. He's... dead." It was painful but Ambrosius pushed the words out.

"No, no, what? He can't be." Nimona started to cry, she kept uncontrollably shape shifting while Ambrosius tried to comfort her. Ambrosius walked her to the grave, they both put a flower on top.

"This is gonna sound weird but can I have some alone time here?" Nimona asked Ambrosius, he nodded and walked over to a hill to wait for her.

"Hey boss. I'm sorry I was to late. I hope, someday I can see you again. Even if it's shorter than a day. I can tell Goldie really misses you. He looks like he's trying to stay strong but I really don't think he's fooling anyone. Heheheh.. I knew this day would come. Where I would have to say goodbye to you but I never thought it would come this soon. Goodbye Boss." Nimona felt a tear go down her face while she went up the hill to meet Ambrosius so they could walk back.

"Can I crash at your place for a bit?" Nimona nervously asked

"Take as long as you need, heck, move in if you want. It'll be nice to have someone I can talk to." Ambrosius and Nimona walked back to his house and in the future Nimona actually moved in. And from that day on she would visit ballister every day. And if she went on a trip she would stay at his grave longer to make up for lost time.

A year(ish) later, the anniversary of his death.

Nimona and Ambrosius went to the grave to plant more flowers, they would release balloons into the sky and have a full on conversation between the 3 of them. Except for obvious reasons Ballister didn't say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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