"You sure he's just a friend?" She smirked evilly. My face lit a glowing pink as I covered my mouth.

"C-C'mon Kaede.. You know I just met him." I stuttered.

"Whatever you say! it's just not like you to step up to someone like Miu..." She placed a hand on her cheek. Maki and Rantaro gave each other a look. I exhaled, quite frustrated. Why were they all accusing me of like liking him? Yeah, Maybe I am a little obsessed with the idea that we are friends now, but it's nothing more. I swear it isn't.

The end of the day rolled by, and I trot my way over to Ouma. "Hey!" I smiled. Kokichi turned my way, he looked really tired... "Uhm- How are you!?" I tried to keep the mood positive.

"Fine.. You?" he shrugged, looking back up at me.

"I'm pretty good!!" We continued walking in silence.

I coughed a little, clearing my throat, "I talked to Miu.." I put a hand over my mouth a little.

"You WHAT?!" He shout, stopping in his tracks, "What- What did she say?!" He asked eagerly, grabbing my arm. My eyes instantly darted to where he was touching me, I felt myself get lightheaded. Why do I feel like this?! I began sweating a little bit, my face extremely red.

"What's up with you..?" he pulled away his hand and started laughing, "Haha! Dude you are a total mess!!" he giggled, hands on his knees. I clenched my fists together. He quit laughing and whipped his tears, "Haha.. Okay but seriously.. What did you say to her?" he continued walking.

"I told her to back off.. Also, she mentioned that you were upset because she brought up your parents. We don't have to but could you tell me why? I'm curious." I spoke softly, a little nervous.

"Well I don't really have a dad, and my mom isn't the greatest either." He responded, maybe he felt comfortable talking about it with me! I smiled a little. "How about yours?"

"Oh! Mine are actually quite nice, they think I'm a little quiet though.." I stopped talking as I saw Kokichi's face drop a little. "Oh- I.. D-Did I make you upset? I'm so so sorry!" I covered my mouth slightly, feeling myself grow pale. Did I upset him?! Shoot shoot-

"Haha!!!" Kokichi burst out laughing, "Dude- Do you need an Inhaler or something?!" He cackled at my stutters, starting to imitate them.

I stomped my foot in response, "No!! I just!- I just got nervous! I don't want to upset you!!"

"Awwww! Do you care about me that much?~" He grinned, putting his hands on his cheeks. Kokichi wasn't watching where he was going, as he was looking at me. Suddenly his foot tripped and he face-planted into the ground. I gasped in fear, getting to the ground with him. I put my hands on him,

"Kokichi?! Are you okay?!?!?" I asked, terrified for him. A more normal response would probably be to laugh, but for some reason, my heart was racing at the sight of him being hurt.

He started laughing at my words, then whined in pain, "Owwwwwww! My kneeeeee~" He cried. He tried getting up, but to no avail.

"H-Hey! Stop trying to move!! You took a bad fall- you- You're gonna hurt yourself more!" I held his arms. "Here- let me carry you home.." I looked away from his eyes, feeling myself getting red. When I turned back, his face was a different shade than before, more pink too.

"Ya carry me!" He demanded.

"You are so ungrateful." I sighed, picking him up.

"Nooo! I'm very grateful for you, Shumai!!" He whined once more. I rolled my eyes in response as I continued walking to his house. He kept directing me in the right way until he just gave me the street and number.

"Is this the right road?" I asked Kokichi, looking at a sign saying what I thought he had said. I wasn't hearing a response, so I looked down. "Ah- Kokichi?!" I whisper and yelled. Did he just seriously fall asleep in my arms?!?! I felt myself get lightheaded again, almost excited about this. No! Shuichi quit it! What is wrong with you?!

"ugh," I groaned, walking to where I thought was his house.

I knocked on his door, and suddenly his mom answered. "Oh- Uhm.. Hi!" I stammered nervously. "I'm Shuichi, a friend of Ouma's.. We were walking home and he tripped and passed out. Sorry.." My face was glowing a bright red.

His mom looked surprised when I mentioned I was his friend, "Oh my! Thank you so much, dear! I'll make sure to tell him to thank you, sweetie." She grinned brightly. She didn't seem so mean, but you never know a true person until you get to know them I guess. She took Kokichi out of my arms and thanked me again, shutting the door.

"Hmm" I put a finger to my chin, "Well today was eventful.." I sighed, making my way back home. He was right, we are very close.

I flopped into my bed, letting out a long groan. I looked at his text chat, he hasn't texted me yet.. God- He's so cute..

I put my hands over my face.

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