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Y/n's POV
First Year: Classes

It was the first day of wizardry school. Y/n had gotten her schedule and was heading to her first class. Transfiguration with McGonagall.

Yesterday when the prefects had lead them into the Gryffindor common room, and told them the password for the portrait hole, they had handed out maps and their schedules.

After I got mine, I went straight to my dorm and as soon as I changed and plopped down onto my bed I feel asleep. See I didn't sleep the night before and now I'm so tired I could fall asleep standing up.

—.— flashback —.—

I was sitting there in my silk pajama shorts and my plain white t-shirt.

I was on the top bunk of mine and lily's bed. She was fast asleep underneath me. I couldn't sleep. I was too excited and nervous for tomorrow when we left for Hogwarts.

I checked my watch.

5:32. AM.

I just laid down after that. I knew it wouldn't work but I just turned to my side in a more comfortable position, and just thought.

A lot of times when I couldn't fall asleep I would think. Thinking made me calmer and made me sleepy. So I tried it tonight, hoping I'd at least get a few winks.

—.— Present time —.—

I walked out of my dorm in my new robes, and down to the common room. A few of the girls that i just met last night were sitting on a couch.

There was this girl with pale skin and blonde hair named Marlene, and beside her sat a girl with beautiful braids and caramel skin named Dorcas.

Across from the couch where the girls sat were two chairs. Both occupied by boys. The chair on the left was a deep blood red with gold swirls on the corners. And who sat in it was no other than Sirius black.

On the right side was the mostly the same. But instead of just the swirls there was also stripes along the arm rest and the bottom of the chair.

The person who sat in the left chair was also none other than James potter. They were both dressed but in a very messy way.

Sirius didn't have his tie done yet and James' robe was all lopsided and sliding down his arm. They were both laughing maniacally at each other over the most stupidest stuff.

I went and sat next to Marlene and pulled out a muggle book called: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

It was one of my favorites and I always read it when I was feeling nervous or just bored out of my mind.

I had just finished the third chapter when Remus and Peter walked down. They, unlike Sirius and James, we're actually dressed nice.

I immediately closed my book and got up to put it in my bag on the table. I then picked up my bag slung it over my shoulder and then left with Remus and Peter trailing behind.

Last night when I woke up at midnight I decided to mesmerize the map of the castle so I already knew where to go.

I made my way down to the transfiguration classroom in the matter of minutes and sat down in the back left corner of the room.

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