{♡Mine.♡} Yan!Stelle x Fem!reader

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Sorry Stelle. I didn't see you there"
Mr. Yang apologized to me

Maybe he should get a stronger glasses prescription...

"It's fine. Can I ask you a couple questions?"
I tilt my head to the side slightly as I ask

"About what?"
He raises an eyebrow

I look away as I say that, trying to hide the blush on my face

"Y/n? Has she been causing you trouble?"

"No! Not at all!"
I shake my head

"That's good to know"
Welt smiles

"So what are your questions?"
He raised an eyebrow. Very well, might I add

"Well, March told me you knew Y/n well and I wanted to get closer to her so I came to you to ask the questions March couldn't answer. So that being said, have you noticed that Ech0 talks to herself frequently and looks at places in the air when she talks.ike she's talking to the air..."
I think back on all the times she talked to nobody as she looked at... well, nobody.

"You definitely aren't the first person to ask me this... hopefully, you're the last one. The answer is that Y/n has a couple mental health issues and saying her thoughts outloud help her remember them. Now for the looking at random places, that's just Y/n being Y/n"
Welt shrugs at the last part

I didn't quite believe him to be honest... but, I guess I'll trust him.

"Why does Pom Pom not get Y/n in trouble when she has her shoes on the couch but Pom Pom gets mad at me when I do?"
I tilt my head to the side

"Pom Pom plays favorites. Also Y/n helps him clean whenever she can"
He crosses his arms

"That's all the questions I have for you! Bye!"
I walk off to go find Pom Pom

It wasn't really that hard, luckily.

"Pop Pom!"
I run up to him

"Well if it isn't Stelle! What do you need?"

Wow, so straight forward pom pom.

"I have a couple questions about Y/n"
I say. Obviously

"Oh god..."
Pom Pom looks worried

"It's not bad!"
I put my hands up defensively

"Her favorite food is F/f, she hates when the couch gets dirty, she has a spending problem, Welt has to stop her from killing people that slander her friends, Dan heng secretly is a bit scared of Y/n, her favorite drink is F/d, her main nickname is N/n and she likes to sleep."
Pom Pom states a bunch of different things about Y/n

"I... don't have any more questions."
He knocked out all of ny questions in one go...

"Good. Now goodbye, I have to go water my plant."
Pom Pom walks away

"I probably should've asked why he knew all of that.... oh well"


3rd person pov

As stelle was walking off Pom Pom says one last thing

"Oh, and Y/n is always able to tell if you tampered with her food or drink. I don't know how... it's like her sixth sense."
Pom Pom states

"How do you know this?"
Stelle stops in her tracks

Pop Pom shrugs

"Why would you-"

"Don't question your conductor!"


Stelle runs up to you

"What is it, Stelle?"
You turn your head to her

"I'm in love with you!"
Stelle grabs your hands tightly

You tilt your head

"Nothing don't worry about it!"
She pulls you into a hug

"I heard that!"

"You're rather touchy today. Did Dan heng take away your trash can again? If so, I need to thank him"
You rub Stelle's back gently

"No. Luckily. Also why would you thank him!?"
Stelle squeezes you harder

"Because you have an unhealthy obsession with trash cans."
You sound annoyed

"I have worse obsessions then that..."
Stelle smirks

"That's possible?"

You suddenly feel a sharp pain near your neck

"Stelle... did you just bite me..?"
Your eyes widen slightly

"I did. Why?"
She replies nonchalantly

"Why would you bite me?!"
You're honestly rather shocked

"To let the others know that you're mine."
She pulls away to look at you. She has a firm grip on your shoulders

"But I'm not yours-"

"Yes you are. Since the moment I layed eyes on you, you've been mine. And nothing can ever change that..."


this is the first oneshot where you didn't get kidnapped. (I think)

Also if you read this oneshot before that's because I accidentally published it and then passed out immediately after. This is the second time I've done this and I hope I don't do it again.

Hope you enjoyed -rxna-

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