{15} The Safe Haven

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Third Person POV:

"This is the area," Jonathan says, as the group stops at a cliff.

Will's eyes widened as he took in the view. It was a beautiful area, the steep mountain they were on dropped down what seemed like a mile down, and a huge forest stretched left and right. there was a huge lake in front of the forest, going so far out you couldn't see the shoreline.

"Wow," Mike breathed out.

"These mountains should be the ones the man was talking about," Nancy says, pointing to the range of mountains dotting around the water.

Erica huffed, crossing her arms. (NAH BECAUSE I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT HER😭😭😭) "It's not that impressive," She says, rolling her eyes.

Lucas rolled his eyes in return. "Well how are we supposed to find the haven?" Dustin asks, scanning the ground to try and see if anyone was there. "It's not like we have time to walk around all of these mountains to see if anyone's there," He pauses. "I mean we do, it's just we shouldn't."

Ironically, right after Dustin stopped, a large net suddenly sprang out of the woods behind them and wrapped around Mike, crashing him to the ground and sliding over to the edge.

"What the hell-" He started, but a small tranquilizer dart flies at him, lodging into his arm.

"Mike!" Will yelled, running over to his friend(cough cough).

But someone grabbed him by the arms, holding him back. Will turned his head around, expecting to see a smiling face, but that wasn't it. This person wasn't smiling.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Will says, struggling in the person's grip. "We're not infected!"

"Yeah, but that one is," Another person said, who was holding Nancy down on the ground. They nodded at Mike, who was drifting in and out of subconsciousness.

Will frowned as another person approached Mike. "No he's not!" Will yells.

"My scanner says otherwise," The person behind Will says. "Why wasn't he attacking you? Answer us."

Will stayed quiet for a second. "Will, just tell them!" Lucas says, struggling on the ground with someone on top of him.

"Alright, fine," Will says, glaring at the person standing above Mike, the boy who was now completely unconscious. "He almost got turned. But he didn't. We found a way to stop him from turning all the way."

The person in front of Mike frowned. "That's impossible," She says.

"You better believe it!" Erica says. "I did not walk up here all the way from Hawkins for you all to turn us down!"

"All the way from Hawkins? Hawkins, Indiana?" The person standing by Mike said.

Will nodded. The same person who just talked furrowed her brows and looked down at Mike. Everyone else who was holding the group down stayed quiet while the person made their decision. Will could tell that this person was the leader.

"Alright, we'll bring you all into the M," The leader says. "Then we'll do a more intense scan on this one," She nudged Mike with their foot. "C'mon."

Everyone holding the group down backed off, and Will shook his hands out before rushing over to Mike.

"What did you shoot him with?" Lucas asks.

"A regular tranq," The leader says. "Silvia, come get this one," An older girl with short blonde hair and chestnut skin ran forward, picking up Mike using a rope on the net. Will frowned as she walked into the woods, and stood up. The leader, who was standing next to him, nudged him forward. "Just follow everyone else."

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