Chapter 39 : A Permanent Damage

Start from the beginning

Bheem was the Yuvraj of Indraprastha. He had thousand things to worry about. He doesn't know when he forgot he had a son as well. One day he was surprised to see Draupadi's palace decorated so nicely. He asked the maids and they said it was Sutasoma's birthday and Maharani Hidimba and her son Ghatotkach has came. It took some time for Bheem to digest the information. How old is his son? How does he look like? He went to the venue to see a an extremely handsome young teen.

As beautiful as the moon they say. He has grown so tall. His eyes are brown like him and his hair goes beyond his shoulder. His has porcelain skin color like his mother. He is so handsome that people will easily call him a God. Seeing him, everyone stood up and bowed. Draupadi and Hidimba were confused at first then humbly welcomed him. Bheem sat beside Draupadi. His eyes not leaving his son for a second. He began to feel sudden nostalgia.

But to his surprise, his son didn't look at him at all. Nor he acknowledged his presence nor asked for his blessings. He excused himself and went to his brothers. Ghatotkach did the same. Bheem looked at his wives. Draupadi was extremely confused and Hidimba was uncomfortable. Suddenly Bheem realized that even if they are his family, he is a stranger to them. And his presence is ruining the atmosphere of this feast. He get up and walked away. After a few days he send some gifts to Sutasoma only for them to get returned back.

A fear stromed inside Bheem's heart that day. He really hoped his behavior doesn't leave any permanent damage to his relationship with his son. He hoped that desperately.

His wedding with his Panchali was the most beautiful day of his life other than the birth of his son. That woman broke all his restraints and walls in one single glance.

Bheem tossed and turned on the grass mattress. He has been trying to picture the fire born Princess after the talk with Vagwan Ved Vyasa. Though he was feeling guilty subconsciously. She is Arjun's bride. His daughter like figure. But his heart isn't willing to listen at all.

His body was trembling seeing Duryodhana, Dussasan and others laughing and enjoying the swayamvar. Maharaj Draupad left no stone unturn to make this event grand. After they tried to burn his brothers, his mother alive, how can he live so happily? He could feel Yudhisthir and Arjun tense beside him noticing his rising temper.

The atmosphere soon changed as the arrival of Yagnaseni was announced. He tore his gaze from Duryodhana towards the intoxicating blue lotus fragnance. His eyes locked with the most beautiful blue orbs he has ever seen.

Such porcelain complexion is rare in Aryavarta. Those blueish black hair made his hands itch. He wanted to run his fingers through those luscious curls. Swan like neck that was adored with jeweleries. Her curvy body sculpted by the Almighty himself in the most beautiful form was clad in red wedding attire. The anklets of those feet were reflecting the sound of his heartbeat. Bheem felt so weak that moment that he felt he is going to fall down. His breathing became irregular. This woman will put the apsaras in shame with her one glance.

He forcefully tore his gaze when Arjun touched his feet for blessings to participate in the swayamvar. He couldn't find his voice at all. He felt sick to his stomach. Will he see the woman whom he fall in love with someone else? How will he tolerate it? But he knew he couldn't tolerate being away from her as well. If he can only hear her voice, that's enough for him.

Arjun won. Bheem felt happy and proud of his brother. Draupadi garlanded Arjun and both were a couple of the era, Bheem can vouch that. He blinked back the tears and smiled broadly. Soon the kings and Princes rebelled and declared war. Bheem never felt such an inhuman anger before. He wanted to rip the throats off those lowlives.

As they walked towards their hut, Bheem noticed his Jyest was too silent as well. He was lost in his thoughts. He didn't bother him at all. But Bheem didn't forgot to steal glances at Agnisuta time to time.

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