Ch 10: The wonders of a focused mind

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It is a Friday and a couple of weeks passed Tenya Iida plus Momo Yaoyorozu were chosen as class representatives, originally it was Izuku but he resigned with the excuse that it would be too much responsibility for someone with so little time, and after the "Lunch incident" Iida was chosen instead, but we're not really focusing on UA right now because today was Izuku's pro debut, the bell rang and as he began packing his stuff Kirishima approached him, "Yo! Do you wanna hang out today? We ain't got anything to do but I think we can come up with something!" 

"We?" Izuku asks

"Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and I, maybe some more," said Kirshima pointing behind me where Sero waved at the boxer

"That sounds like a good group, but I can't today, I have my pro debut today, this scary guy called Hatoko Faz, weird name, even weirder fighting style, I won't bore you with the details,"

"Wait YOUR PRO DEBUT?! AS IN BOXING?!" shouted Kirishima, 

Izuku nodded "Yeah I have like 6 extra tickets, I can give you guys four if you want and then you have something to do,"

"Sounds great man, We'll cheer you on with our full strength," said Kaminari from behind Kirishima

"Thank you! Well Imma get going, I wanna run all the way there to warm up," said Izuku giving Kirshima four tickets

"Where is it by the way?"

"On Musutafu Pavilion,"

"You're gonna run all the way there?!" shouted Mina

"It's light work," mumbled Izuku as he put on his backpack and jogged off,


We find Izuku in the dressing room with his clothes changed and warmed up ready for the call to the stage, he looks at Nokawa with a nervous smile and the coach scowls "LISTEN HERE SON! AS LONG AS YOU FIGHT THE BOXING YOU'VE LEARNED YOU WILL WIN! I DON'T WANT ANY MORE NERVOUSNESS FROM YOU!"

"YES SIR!" said Izuku

They waited a few more minutes in silence when a man came in through the door, "Izuku Midoriya, you're called to the stage"

"Let's get this win,"

"Yes sir,"

Izuku, Nakawa, and Kushin walk into the arena, the bright lights blind Izuku at first but then he smiles at them, recognizing how far he's come, he gets in the ring and scans the stands searching for his friends, eventually finding them near the top of the auditorium finding their seats.

"From the red corner! Weighing in at 124 pounds, with 4 fights 1 wins 1 Ko, and 3 Losses, Hatoko Faz!" said the announcer as Faz greeted the small crowd, "And from the blue corner, debuting today with a empty record, Weighing in at 125 pounds Izuku Midoriya!"

The ref called both fighters to the center of the ring and spoke "I want a clean fight! No punches under the belt, no rabbit punches, watch out for headbutts and elbows!" he looked at both fighters and they nodded "Good touch gloves,"

Both returned to their corners Kushin pulled up the stool and Izuku sat down as Coach Nokawa kneeled in front of him, "Condition is good?"

"Yes sir,"

"How about the cap, is it still there?"

"I'm positive it's gone,"

"Good, good, let's make light work of this guy."

"Yes sir," The bell rang and Izuku took his pose, the other guy did too, and as they walked forward they began circling at the middle of the ring, it was tense, and Izuku was being really patient to wait for a sign, a punch, a distraction anything, after a couple of seconds he realized it wasn't coming and so he decided to make the first move, he accelerated the pace of his legs and began hopping at the same spot quickly, he realized that the guy's eyes dropped down for a split second, which was all he needed to begin his destructive barrage of flickers that breaks the other's guard quickly, the other sends a left haymaker in an attempt to make Izuku stop and suddenly time slowed down, Izuku was able to see the swing of the punch, it's trajectory and angle before it even reached, and all he had to do was move out of the way, slipping the punch and stepping back to his preferred range and hitting a textbook one-two straight to Faz's Jaw making him stumble back, Izuku used the situation to catch his breath, and then went for a another barrage of flickers.

"Jack, have you ever seen a debut like this? Where the debutant completely controlled the ring?" says one of the Announcers

"Not at all John this is a once in a lifetime for me," Says the other

Suddenly Izuku misses his jab and is rocked with a left that he did not see coming, stumbling back for a bit, as his enemy begins to send some powerful left jabs that made Izuku eventually hit the ropes, and bounce back to an uppercut from his enemy, "Seems like we jinxed it," said Jack, but the green haired boxer saw this coming in slow motion he tilted to the right, dodging the uppercut and stepping back, away from the ropes and from his opponent, but Faz keeps chasing him, sending a barrage of punches that are all expertly dodged by Izuku, he's effectively untouchable as you can see his opponent becomes more and more tired,

"QUIT RUNNING AWAY!" shouts someone from the crowd, 

Izuku grins, he stops his bouncing, basically taunting his opponent, telling him 'I don't need my legs to dodge your hits,' this enrages Faz and he cocks back his right, clearly going for a full weight straight, and as soon as he begins to throw the punch, Izuku speeds up his legs enough to dodge fully slip the punch and hit Faz with a right hook, followed by a left hook, a right uppercut, a left body blow, a blow to the solar plexus with the right, two flicker jabs and a finishing blow of a chopping right that sends Faz skidding across the ring, the Ref rushes towards Faz and after a short analysis crosses his arms in the air calling the match off.



Izuku raises his arms as Nokawa picks him up and they celebrate before thanking the audience and heading back to the locker room, the night ends with Izuku celebrating with his gym mates in a karaoke bar near the inner city,

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