Wet & Wild

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Tom was a 13 year old school boy, currently enjoying his school life. He lived in a modern medium-sized but a quiet town which he enjoyed it a lot.There was about 7-8 thousand people living there, but it was a relatively quaint town. Although its beautiful streets attracted some tourist, it was still in keeping with the environment around it, rather than becoming one busy street.

Tom currently lived with his mom and dad near the outskirts of town. Since his mom collected wild mushrooms for a living, and his dad worked in his lumber shop, it totally made sense for Tom to be interested in the wild as well. That was why he had became a boy scout at a very young age, and continued doing it until middle school. He maybe one of the most adventurous boys in the camp, and he earned a lot of badges. Therefore, going camping was the thing Tom was very familiar with. Still, he thought of quitting being a scout when he got into around 10th or 11th grade because he figured he would have to spend a lot of time to prepare himself for getting into college.

He was also very sporty, and was in the school's swimming team. He'd go for practice every afternoon before coming back home just before dinner time. Everybody in the team knew he'd only wear his light blue swimming boxers, his blue swimming cap, and his dark blue goggles. He was an average swimmer, but he was still loved by the other teammates. Weirdly enough, the people that liked to watch the swimmers the most were the girls. Since the pool was next to the cafeteria, and had a huge glass window between them, the girls loved to hangout there while seeing the guys swim. You know, the beginning of some teenage crushes. All of the boys got equally as much attention as the girls found them all also equally as cute. Still, people found Tom to be cuter than most boys because of his accent. He was American while his accent was just like the American accent, but with a cute British pronunciation for some words. It's honestly really hard to explain, but that was just how he sounded.

One time, Tom was a little early to his swimming practice. He then decided to do a little warm up before other people arrived. After he changed his clothes, he then decided to do a little warm up beside the pool, looking away from the entrance. When his teammates arrived, they then pushed the unaware Tom into the pool. After he tumbled down head first, he came up perplexedly which was when he saw his friends laughing at him. He was very mad, but seeing the girls giggling from the other side added a thin layer of embarrassment to that as well. He then had to do the warm up entirely soaking wet, but it didn't matter as he was going to be swimming later anyway. It was a rather hilarious story that everyone in the team knew, and still talked about.

Also, he was doing pretty well in school, and he got a really good grade on almost every subject. He pretty much got either A's or B's in every subject which was a thing everyone admired him about. Although his weakest link was mathematics, he'd get a B at worse. Of course, everyone in the same grade as him knew he was an absolute geek in some subject, especially in biology. That was no secret as Tom liked the wild even more than playing video games like boys his age. Let's just say he was an adventurous, sporty, and geeky boy.

Although Tom had mastered the art of surviving in the wild, he lacked the skills to talk to strangers. He was a relatively introverted boy, and was very shy around people, especially girls. He only had just a close group of people that he normally talked with which were just his family, his best friends, his swimming teammates, and his fellow scouts he was familiar with. Many people said he didn't have much friends, but he mostly had all the good ones.

One day, a girl secretly snuck pass Tom's school locker before he arrived at school, and inserted a letter through the vents. About 15 minutes later, Tom arrived, and the first place he went to was his locker. Before he could grab his books like usual, he found a letter right on top of his pile of textbooks. He then opened the letter which read, "Hello, Tommy.

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