the kiss

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Robin pov
"I liked you in kindergarten all the way to 7th grade but you seemed not to feel the same so I gave up and started to date Heather to get over you but I loved Heather I did but my heart loved you and my Brain loved Heather" she looked shocked but then I looked at her and I seen to thing I have not in like 1 year her beautiful face I have never thought about how pretty she was because I was with Heather.

Y/n pov
He likes me...

Robin pov
I looked at them and said "do you still love me" "YES ROBIN OFC I DO!" Then they kissed me and I kissed them back " y/n do you want to be my GF" "ofc Robin" "Robin why do you love me I'm not pretty like Heather I'm not popular like her I'm nothing like her did I ever scare you?" "Don't you dare ever say anything like that about yourself You are beautiful y/n now that I think about it You're more beautiful than Heather I love you y/n and Heather was right I do love you and you do make me happy" then I kissed her." And your Beauty never scared me" I said smiling down at her.

Heather (Robin Arellano x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now