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Due to reasons, Wallace (or Walden) brought you around in the factory—

While carrying you in your glass container, ofcourse.

Workers from left to right glanced at you in the small box container- and from what you have learned previously during your unaware days before meeting wally—

You flipped them off.

In which Wallace finds amusing.

You both went around in the factory, heading towards his office. Ophelia has been following around, too. Although she would often disappear to who-knows-where.

He sets you down on his desk and sighed.

"I don't know.how you get out, but now I'm sure you won't be able to get anywhere now."

He added more locks to your container, it seemed like you're some type of vault now or important thing.

Other than that, you've seen plenty of ghosts (or souls, since Soulkeeper has the name 'soul' and takes them you are still deciding whether to call it that or just ghosts.)

Many were angry, others in agony. While the others, they were quite friendly or just didn't care.

Either way, no matter how much they feel- hatred or agony..

For some reason, they have quite the connection with Ophelia too.

That made you curious, although you knew better than to pry.

...for now-

Wallace (or Walden) has been keeping you in check lately, monitoring you from time to time- heck, he even brought in a few things for dissection.

is he seriously going to cut me open? I'm literally wood..

Atleast you can't feel pain.


You hope.

You never really experienced having a limb torned off, you were well taken care of since you looked like a valuable antique to collectors.

That was before meeting Wally and.. this tall minion ofcourse *(Walden

Poppy would often disappear, too. But mostly she would stick around making sure you're okay.

You wonder how things are in the other side of things....


Wally remained seated on a chair right beside the hospital bed.

He listened to the sound of the monitor, the constant beeping monitoring the heart beat of his friend—


The heart beat of the person he considers his mother.

She remained still, breathing normally- thankfully. Her fingers twitched from time to time but she never woke up even once.

But that's okay.

She's still alive.. that's what matters.

He couldn't find (Y/n), but he assumed that they are with Barnaby for the time being... He hopes.

He might need to check on the little thing, after all.


He glanced at the older woman, his brows furrowed slightly as he takes a deep breath.

Poppy hates it when someone cries, after all. She always wanted everyone to be safe.. to be happy.

Wally gently held her paled hand, his thumb caressing her pale skin as he kept his head low.

"Please... Wake up.." he whispered, he prayed.


As for the Soulkeeper, she's been trying to keep things in order.

Keep things in check.

As a guardian, that is what her job is— harvest souls, then guide them to the Reaper- her boss.

Their work relationship was quite something else, even if she is a grown adult- Her boss kept treating her like a child.

Not that she minds, though. She understands how he feels since everything he touches turn into dust, or disappear into nothingness.

She sighed, opening a transparent, blue window screen to check on someone.


"They seem to be holding up fine." She says to herself, opening another window to see how things are in your original universe.

"You've never changed, I see."

"Oh, boss."

She looked at the dark, shadowy figure that towered over her.

"How are they?"

"Doing just alright." She spoke in a soft tone, watching you as you interact with the soul formed Poppy.

"You still care about them deeply.. like you always do. You've been watching them for how many decades already, I'm still confused on why you care for such mortal." The grim reaper says, voice overlapped with echoes in the void.

But even if he looked intimidating, his presence gave a comforting feeling in the atmosphere.

"You know exactly why." The Soulkeeper replied. "Even so, I made a promise."

"But you hate promises."

"Not for them."

The grim reaper watched her as she opened a few other more windows to many more universes.

".. You still care for them? Even after what they've done?"

The Soulkeeper didn't respond.

"..don't you hate what they-"

"Don't bring up past mistakes that they do not remember, Reaper."

Reaper fell silent.

"They may have committed a grave sin that they could have been punished for, but it was my choice to spare them."


He nods, he knew Luan was one to not hold any grudges— it was hard to believe that this specific woman is the Guardian of Negativity and Violence.

Yet, despite her title- she kept working for him under her the name Soulkeeper.

But it was all to watch over to those she loved.


Helloooo! I'm back! Sorry for not uploading for a while, but here is a long chapter for you folks!

A little bit of detail on why Soulkeeper stick around with Y/n.. and what is going on in their own universe.

Oh, right! [THE CHOICE] is already published! I already uploaded 2 or 3 chapters, go check it out!

I love you all! Take care out there!


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