
A Russian nuclear sub was patrolling the Meridian Trench with their search lights on within the submarine. Inside, the Captain walked around the bridge with his own hands behind his back. He looked at a few screens with piercing brown eyes before he reached his hand up and stroked his salt and peppered beard. He lowered his hand and walked to an officer who was looking at a radar, the officer looked up at the Captain before he shook his head. The radar kept on continuing its sweep before the Captain would get back up and look at the First Officer, "Report," the Captain commanded.

"Still nothing so far Captain," the Commander stated, "So far, we have not come upon any American subs or any form of wreckage that is close to the trench. We are still running dark as per orders."

"Good," Captain stated as he would walk around before looking at one of the screens that showed the search lights and outside the safety of the sub. "Does anyone else know we are here?"

"No one should know about this operation like we discussed before we left."

Captain nodded as he would look around once again before a ping came up on the radar. The two high ranking officers would move to the officer as a blip came upon the radar sweep before it would go silent. "What was that?"

"Unknown captain, usually the radar would go off if there was an enemy sub or an anything large enough to be considered on the radar."

"But it doesn't just disappear within seconds right?" 

"Not if the sub noticed our presence and quickly turned everything off."

"Captain we found something!" an officer called out and then the Captain would go over and the screen showed what seems to be a piece of a different submarine. They moved the lights over the actual piece of the sub for anything to identify it with, then they found an American flag on the hull of the ship.

"Americans..." the Captain growled in hatred before another blip came from the radar, the Captain turned his head before the entire submarine shook from a large impact from the side of the submarine. "REPORT!" 

"We were hit by something huge, Captain!"

"One of our engines is damaged sir!"

"What were we hit by?!"

"Unknown sir," a different officer reported before another hit caused the entire bridge to shake once again. Causing the Captain and the Commander to fall on the metal floor, the officer held onto his instruments before putting a hand to his communication device on his left ear. "HULL BREACH IN ENGINEERING!"

"Seal off the section and evacuate all personnel from the area," the Captain ordered before the entire sub would start to rumble. As if the ship being held by something and slowly being crushed. The Captain looked up to see a light blue glow to come from one of the doors, "What the..." he was cut off as the door flew open and the entire bridge was engulfed by a bright white light. 

The submarine exploded and the glow would die down once again, as a black outline of a large creature swam outside of the smoke. Staying in side the trench as spines along the creatures back, glowed a light blue before going into darkness. The creature would continue to swim until darkness filled the vast ocean, with no sound, no survivors, and death filled the black void within the trench.


A man with brown hair, green eyes, wearing a black jacket, red shirt, brown shoes, and carrying  a backpack was walking around a forest while he held onto a black device as he looked around his surroundings for a moment. The man seems to be in his mid to late twenties before he went to look at a clearing coming up ahead. He took in a deep breath before he would take a few more steps before coming up to the clearing, his eyes narrowed for a moment before holding out the device before kneeling down. His eyes went to the device as it showed a medium radiation count, he shook his head before looking up at the location of his focus. The clearing in front of him went down slowly into a small cavern in the ground, there was barrels down in the crater and some materials that were spewing out while some plant life were dead, and no signs of ever coming back to life.

He pulled out his phone for a moment before he took his steps back and pressed a few buttons and put it to his right ear, "Yeah. It's Adam," he confirmed before putting his own hand held Geiger counter into his pocket, "The signal is secure correct?" he asked for a moment before looking around again. "I know, but there might still be people in the White House that is still supportive of the previous President," he said as he came upon a wired fence that was cut recently. "Ok, ok. We were right though," he said as he would push the wire mesh through and crawled through the opening, "The site was used as dumping radiation waste after helping North Korea to create another nuke, however from what I saw. We might have created another nuke too with how much radiation readings I got," he informed before he went onto the road. 

"Well, get this information to the current President and we'll see what we can do from there," Adam ordered as he went for a few miles before coming upon a black jeep as he would get in to the vehicle. "Also be careful, even though this is a joint mission from both of our countries, I don't want Japan to get targeted for a nuclear strike if War is still on the horizon," he said as he would turn the key in the ignition, the jeep came to life as Adam turned the vehicle onto the road. "Stay safe Miku," he said as he hung up the phone and continued to drive down a mountain. It wasn't long until the jeep would come across a sign signaling the entrance into Colorado. 


A military rescue boat was coming under the moon lit waters of Japan, lights hit around the dark waters but so far nothing was found. The Japanese soldiers continued to look for anything that they can use to find the boat or if any survivors were adrift on wood or anything else that could carry a human's wait. The moral was starting to dwindle as hope for survivors start to drain into a dangerously low depression for the soldiers on the boat. One of the soldiers would continue to walk along the deck before seeing something off in the distance, "I see a light!" He said pointing at the water, a flash of a metallic substance came into view slowly. "HEY! I FOUND SOMETHING, SLOW THE BOAT DOWN!" He yelled once again before the boat started to slow down, coming to a slow stop as the men in the rescue boat got ready for a raft to investigate the metal. 

A few soldiers were able to get to the raft and went out to where the object was at, the saw it was metal used in reinforcing some of the aspect of wooden fishing boats. The soldier at the head of the raft, picked it up before looking at the others. "Where is the rest of the wreckage?" He asked before the two other soldiers would look at the other. Then the three of them noticed a blue glow starting to give some light to the dark ocean waters bellow the rescue boat. "What's that?" the soldier on the right asked since they were being carried away from the boat by the current, they all were stunned and perplex at this unnatural event unfolding before them. The water started to turn a light blue, before white, then a white ray would go through the boat and an explosion was heard. The soldiers covered their eyes and ducked into the raft while the wake of the explosion pushed them away from the boat. The soldier at the head of the boat, tried his best to stay conscious since most of them were up past 24 hours with no sleep in this search; before he lost conscious, he heard what sounded like a roar, as loud as thunder, piercing the night sky before he lost conscious.

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