Heather: Ok, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work.

Gwen: Wait. Who said YOU were team captain?

Lindsay: She did. Just now.

Heather: Lindsay, Beth, and I took a vote, and I won.

Gwen: Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic.

Trent approaches Gwen and hands her a muffin.

Trent: Hey, I snagged you an extra muffin.

Gwen smiles and takes the muffin. Heather thinks and schemes for a moment, then smiles as she comes up with a plan.

Heather: Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?

Trent shrugs.

Trent: Right on, go for it.

Heather: Good. Beth, Lindsay and I will be the judges.

Gwen *sigh* Whatever.

Later, Owen goes first for the audition as he chugs a big bottle of soda. The big guy finishes his soda and begins to belch.

Owen: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-T-W-X-Y-ZED!

All the guys cheer for Owen while Heather has a disgusted look on her face.

Y/N: That was awesome, man!

Heather: Well, you're not going to do that in this contest, that's disgusting!

Trent: Do you know how hard it is to burp the entire alphabet in one go?

Owen nods enthusiastically.

Owen: I can also toot Beethoven's fifth!

Everyone: NO!

Gwen walks away in annoyance, bringing her diary.

Heather: Where are you going?

Gwen: Anywhere that's not here.

Heather auditions next as she performs a ballerina routine with elegant music playing in the background. Everyone claps politely.

Heather: Thank you.

Heather glances at Lindsay and Beth as she clears her throat meaningfully.

Lindsay: Oh, I vote for Heather to be in the contest.

Beth: I second that.

Heather: Guys, that's so sweet. Ok, so, I guess I'm in. Why doesn't everybody take five?

The Gophers leave but Heather grabs Lindsay by the arm.

Heather: I need you to do something. Can you keep a secret?

Lindsay: Oh my gosh, definitely. My sister got diarrhea once on a date, and I had to bring her toilet paper because the restaurant was all out and she was stuck in the bathroom, and I've never told a soul.

Lindsay realizes what she did. She looks at the camera and sheepishly waves.

Lindsay: Oops, sorry, Paula.

Heather shoves a walkie talkie into Lindsay's hand.

Heather: Gwen's up to something serious. I want you to follow her and report back to me. And don't, I repeat, DON'T get distracted by
Y/N, got it?

Lindsay nods nervously.

Heather: Good.

Heather shoves Lindsay forward and grins as Lindsay walks away.

Total Drama: Lindsay X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now