Late Night Talk

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I can't sleep.
Sometimes, my body likes to get all hyperactive and refuse to let me sleep.
I know I should probably just get up and go get some fresh air, it might help, but I don't want to wake up Alli.

Slowly, I rise from the tiny single-person bed and tiptoe across the floor. Unfortunately, my attempts are in vain as I step on a loose floorboard, which emits a loud creaking sound amplified by the room and time of day.

It doesn't matter, however, as I glance over to Allison's bed and notice that she isn't in it.

Looking around some more, I see that the balcony door is slightly ajar, meaning she's probably gone out there from her own inability to sleep.
Carefully, I slide the door open some more and confirm her presence, as she sits facing outward on one of the chairs.

"Having trouble sleeping?" I say.
Alli jumps a bit, not expecting for me to be up, but responds, "Yeah... Got a lot on my mind, y'know?"
"Me too, I've just been turning all night."
"Glad I'm not alone on that." She chuckles.

I get a mix of feelings I don't really understand out here. Maybe it's the air, the nostalgia of wandering around mainland Japan, or just talking with my best friend late at night. Regardless, I feel content here. Safe.

Allison continues, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"You... you're really nice, y'know?"
"I... did I say that out loud...?" She stumbles on her words before elaborating, "I can just... talk to you easily? O-or just uhh... have the most fun with you, I guess..."
I smile, "I was just thinking that, too."
She perks her head up hearing this, "R-really??"

What's making her so sensitive about this subject? Looking away again, she mumbles, "R-right, yeah—"
I slowly move her face towards mine, and she looks flustered.
"What's on your mind?" I ask her.
"O-oh...! It's nothing, really..."
Whatever it is, I decide not to press it. Instead I ask, "Wanna head back to bed and try to sleep?"
She nods, and I start back to our room.

Alli stays put a moment, however. As I turn around and I'm about to ask her, she goes up to me and kisses me on the cheek.
Before I can even process what just happened, she tries running to her bed. Quickly though, I go over to her and place my hand in hers. When she looks back at me, I muster up all my courage and kiss her on the lips.

"Let's talk tomorrow." I smile and lay back down on my bed as she stands, still slightly shaken. Eventually, she stutters, "W-wait...!"
I sit up, "What is it?"
Alli struggles, but manages to ask, "D-do you wanna sleep here..? W-with me?"
"Oh my god, yes."
She laughs and I leap over to the unoccupied side of her bed. Because we're all sleeping on single beds, the two of us are forced to huddle up close to each other, but manage in our small frames.

Holding Alli close, I feel like in heaven. My mind has alleviated all problems, nothing exists but us. Right here, right now. She's already fallen asleep, and as my mind rests, I slowly drift away myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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