Y/N : why would i?

Stella : because they are the hottest guys in Magix

Y/N : oh really ?

Stella : anyway i want you to meen my friends!

You met all of Stella's friends Flora , Bloom, Musa, Techna and Leyla , they really liked you .

After a while you were feeling hungry so you approached the buffet, you love sushi so that's what you ate . Right after The Specialists arrived , Stella was so right they were all handsome

Stella : sooo , do you like anyone??

Y/N : me ? haha no , i'm not here to find a boyfriend

Stella : neither do i but we need some fun from time to time

You felt someone staring at you , he was a tall red headed guy that was looking at you all night long , you didn't know his name

(The guy) : i see you're not a very social person huh ?

Y/N : you mind ?

(The guy): since you haven't talk to me all night, yes i do

Y/N : not really my problem

(The guy): tough , i like you , do you want to go somewhere together?

Y/N: what ? where ? i don't even know you

(The guy): anywhere, you will get to know me , come on

You actually went to town with this mysterious guy to eat in a restaurant you chose

Y/N : now , tell me about you , your name , your story , everything

(The guy): i'm Riven , i'm a specialist and i love going to the gym , are these enough?

Y/N : well not exactly but i don't think you're going to tell me anything else

Riven : good guess , your turn now

Y/N : i'm Y/N , i'm a new student in Alfea and i don't like the gym

Riven : haha , funny , you like it here ?

Y/N : it's okay i guess , i haven't seen a lot yet

Riven : do you have a boyfriend?

Y/N : no and i'm not looking for one

Riven : so why are you here ?

Y/N : because you insisted and i hadn't anything better to do

Riven : hmm

You enjoyed your meal and Riven's company even tho he's kinda weird . After finishing your plates he drove you back to school , he kissed you good night on your cheek , you blushed

Back in your dorm you found all your new friends sitting on the bed trying to calm down Musa from crying

Y/N: what happened?

Stella : where were you?

Y/N : i was outside with a guy i met here , why ?

Stella : what guy , what's his name ?

Y/N : um Riven i think

Musa is crying more now

Stella : are you serious Y/N ? Riven is Musas ex boyfriend ?

Y/N : omg... i am really so sorry , i didn't know , he didn't even mention anything about an ex girlfriend or something

Stella : you're making it worse , i told you Musa he's an ass

Y/N : Musa i'm truly sorry , we went out nothing like a couple, we just ate and talked about meaningless stuff, he meant nothing to me !

Musa : i know you didn't have bad intentions, he's always the problem , if you don't mind stay away from him , you'll help me if you do...

You tried to save things , you achieved that but she's not going to forget about it soon

The Princess Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora