Heather and Robin

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Y/n pov
My name is y/n im in love with Robin but he didn't feel the same we knew each other since kindergarten but Middle School in 8th grade he started dating this girl named Heather and when I found out they were dating I was a heartbroken I was crying for 2 weeks straight and every time I go to school I always see them kissing and my heart breaks into a million pieces it feels like someone punch and stabbed me in the heart.

But then today Robin came up to me and said it was going to be her birthday tomorrow and he said "hey y/n Finn told that you give good advice and tomorrow is Heather's birthday so can you help me plz" I felt the biggest lump in my throat and I felt like crying and telling him I love him but I new I can't do that so I said "um yea sure what are her favorite flower?" And he said "tulip's" and I said "okay get her those then" "what is her fav animal" and he said "panda" and I said "okay get her panda stuffed animal and some of her fav candy" and then he said "tysm y/n your the bestest friend ever" and he hugged me then ran to class when he was out of site I sat down and cried then my friend Vance came over and sat with me and I cried in his chest and said "I wish I were Heather..."

Heather (Robin Arellano x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now