The Super Bowl Massacre

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In a hospital, two doctors have rolled the now deceased Wario on a tray as they figure out what to do next.

Doctor #1: Case 1405. Victim's name is Wario. And his wounds are his arms and eyes have been ripped off along with his flesh. Proceed to perform autopsy on him.

Doctor #2: It appears his body is scattered by the creature or whatever it was yesterday. I'm not sure, but what shall we do with him? Should we start the funeral for his friends or keep the body for autopsy.

Doctor #1: I'm not sure, but we're gonna inform the police about the possible culprit.

Doctor #2: In that case, we better start the autopsy.

In RED City, Scout was more than ready for the Super Bowl, with an urge to invite all his friends.

Scout: Aw, man! Tomorrow, we're actually gonna go to the Super Bowl in the flesh! I might wanna invite some of my friends tomorrow due to having extra tickets! I can't wait!

He proceeded to pick up his phone and call one of his friends, Izumi Midoriya, a.k.a. Deku, the hero with the super-powered quirk, One for All, as he finally answered.

Deku: Moshi-Moshi?

Scout: Hey, Deku! How's it going?!

Deku: Oh, hello, Scout! How's it going?

Scout: Spy got tickets to the legendary Super Bowl Football Game! It's gonna be the Los Angeles Angels against the Minnesota Vikings and I was thinking of inviting you and our good friends of UA High!

Deku: Sure, my friends and I would love to see Super Bowl with our JUMP World's biggest fan! I'll even ask the heroes of my world to bring their heroics to be an exclusive!

Scout: Aw, he'll yeah! I'm gonna call Saitama, Asta, and Naruto and Boruto!

Deku: Alright, good luck with that, buddy!

At the day of the Super Bowl, there was an anime convention center being set up in the parking lot due to seeing real-life anime characters that Scout claimed to having invited them to the Super Bowl, being more weeaboos, as well as being exclusive sponsors to the Super Bowl, which was a surprise turnout. Even Spy admit that Scout had done a good thing by adding exclusive sponsors to the Super Bowl.

Ms. Pauling: Scout must've did the right thing!

Boruto: Hey, is this the Super Bowl I keep hearing about?

Asta: Looks like we have more people arriving to see us for the first time at the Super Bowl.

Saitama: You set it.

Deku: Hello Asta, Naruto and Boruto, and Saitama. Move aside. I gotta introduce myself to her. Konnichiwa. My name is Izumi Midoriya, but you can refer to my hero name, Deku. And I'm a student of UA High School for Heroes! My quirk is One for All!

Ms. Pauling: Heroes from other worlds, nice. My name's Ms. Pauling, and you must be friends of Scout. Glad he invited you over and the Super Bowl accepted exclusive sponsors as well as heroes to keep the City of Los Angeles safe from harm, including those from your world, like supervillains, aggressive ninja, and demons of the magic world. What did you set up?

Deku: Momo and Iida set up UA High Agency in case the people of Los Angeles need help. Other agencies of pro heroes managed to set up agencies as well.

Naruto: We have ninjas keeping security of both the ninja villages as well as the kunoichi from the Senran Kagura world.

Asta: My friends and other magic users are on patrol to keep the demons out.

Saitama: The Hero Association even have all heroes on full alert to watch out for supervillains from my world to make sure the event goes well without a hitch as Britain would say it.

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