Chapter 2 - Beautiful Sunset

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Westeros | Crownlands | Red Keep | Heirs Chambers

~~~•°•Six Months Old•°•~~~


"Lyonel is a growing boy," copying a line from Stewie Griffin. Gods, I missed Family Guy. Game of Thrones has more drama, though.

Sucking a nurse maids tits, Alia, I think her name was. She had full tits, something I was surprised by considering she was only ten and eight years old. She had recently lost a child and came to work at the red keep a few days after my birth. Sadly, Cersei didn't want to feed me, or is it us now. Joffrey and all.

She had Blonde Hair and Blue eyes and a kind smile whenever she looked at me. She was a joyous person, a rare commodity found in the Red Keep, considering all the treaturous bastards walking in it. Even my mother tolerated her more than she tolerated others, that is.

"Hmm, there, there, my Little Prince." She raked her nails through my hair, massaging my scalp as I stopped sucking all together. She picked me up and started burping me while singing a song, lulling me to sleep.

Thinking about my current standing in life as a second prince. I could probably be the next Daemon wielding the lost but soon found Dark Sister, but it is unlikely that Joffrey will welcome me with open arms if our relationship deterioates. I was determined not to let that happen, even if it meant accompanying him on his less public outdoor activities.

I wouldn't inherit the Stormlands, nor would I want to, besides they were already Renly's, unless I killed him early on in the game and I didn't know the guy, Uncle or not.

And with Edric Storm on the way, they would realise me not having or my lack of Baratheon features and draw conclusions.

Of course there was Casterly Rock, but I would have to prove to the Old Lion that I indeed deserved that title, or kill him, there was that option too, but I would first like to learn everything from the man. That was the last resort. Besides, if all failed and Joffrey died like cannon, I'd be King with Margarey Tyrell as Queen. It's not so bad.

The Old Lion had visited almost a fortnight ago on business, I heard. He had come into Joff and I's chambers and took a peak at us. Well, he mostly gave us newborn babies a stare down. While Joffrey was scared and looked away, screaming a few seconds later, I looked at his eyes in wonder and enthusiasm. Not to be gay, but his eyes were beautiful, Emerald green with a ring of gold in the center. For a second, I wondered if that trait was genetic. He smiled at me, I know.

The Tywin Lannister smiled at me.

Even Mother had been shocked, and he said I quote. "Finally a worthy lion in this family."

Ha. Suck that, Tyrion!

Speaking of, I hadn't seen the famous Dwarf yet, Tywins bane. If anything, I'd be the man's heir.

My mother, for some reason, hadn't visited Joff and I at all today. Must be courtly business, or she's boning Jaime already. She has healed quite nicely from delivering twins.

Another thing whenever Cersei took us to our room, most times when Jaime was there, there was no stopping PDA. It was slightly off-putting, but whatever they were my birth parents. And well... I couldn't say shit Robert was worse, way worse.

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