Afraid of me

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I stood doing my work and keeping an eye on the time as I worked on things,

"Newt!" my body froze up and I even dropped my hoe onto the grass

"Y-yes Marie" I answered picking it up and turning to see her standing there

"I told you I wanted us to have lunch together"

"Oh is it lunchtime already?"

"No, my lunch break is over"

"Oh no, I'm sorry Marie I lost track of time"

"Whatever" she sighed marching off back to work

"No Marie please I didn't mean to -" I began trying to follow her

"Enough, I don't wanna hear it newt" she snapped "Go back to work"

"You sure you're okay?'

"I'm fine" she snapped I have her cheek a kiss but she didn't respond heading back to work so I went back to work too.

When I was finally done with work I skipped dinner and just headed to Marie's little hut in the deadheads hoping for a snuggle but when I arrived I noticed how she was crying

"Marie, what's the matter?"

"You know what you did!'

"I don't I swear please just tell me what's wrong?" I asked her

"You're always like this! You always just play down these things like how I feel isn't important"

"Whatever I did Marie I'm sorry, just tell me and I'll fix it"

"You know I don't like eating lunch on my own! You promised you'd come to sit with me every day" she explained "Do you have any idea how horrible it is being the only girl surrounded by boys"

"You're not the only girl there's y/n?"

"That's not the point! You promised you would"

"I'm sorry Marie I really am it just got away from me, you know I don't leave you alone on purpose, maybe you should come to get me when it's lunchtime so I don't forget"

"Well, I would think you wouldn't forget your promises!"

"I haven't forgotten -"

"It's fine! I didn't realise that just sitting with me is such a chore! Maybe I should just run off into the maze as it's obvious you don't want to spend time with me"

"Marie of course I want to spend time with you" I told her "your my girlfriend I love you, and I want to spend every moment with you. I'm sorry I'm just stupid and I forget things," I told her wrapping my arms around her to try and comfort her "You know that don't you?"

"It doesn't feel like it" she says digging her nails into my arms and forcing me away

"Okay, I'm sorry I should do better I'm sorry I really am Marie I'll do better I promise"

"That's what you always say"

"And I mean it," I told her "Hey? Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

She smiled a moment stroking my cheek but she slapped me hard "owww!"

"Just leave me alone newt"

"Alright, I'll give you your space," I told her going to leave her alone but I fell to the floor as she had thrown something not sure what at the back of my head forcing me to the floor as she came and kicked and punched me between her tears

"Why would you leave me alone when I'm clearly upset! You just don't care, do you? You don't care about my emotions!"

"You told me to leave you alone!' I complained

The Maze Runner Imagines: Newt (Thomas Brodie Sangster) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now