My finale

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A few minutes I regained consciousness and had a severe headache. I look around, and everything is just pitch black. A black fabric was over my head, so I couldn't see anything. My mouth was covered with duct tape, and my surroundings were moving. I was in a carriage.

I could hear people talking, but I couldn't recognize their voices. I listen to them laughing and joking with each other. I don't know who they are, where they're taking me, or why they even kidnapped me in the first place. I'm scared.

The carriage comes to a complete stop, and everything goes silent. I could hear the door opening from the front, then I realized I was in the trunk. How did I even fit?! I waited for their next move as I heard them getting out. Someone opened the trunk and brought me somewhere.

I couldn't see any light, so I'm guessing where the kidnappers got me must be an abandoned place. I started to panic. What if they're serial killers? What if they're perverts? What if they're going to kill me? 

I started losing my mind to all the possibilities that could happen. This was it. This is my end. I'm going to die. A few seconds later, the people removed the fabric covering my head. I couldn't see their faces; they were covered with hoods and masks. 

They violently took the duct tape off my mouth, and I yelped in pain. I caress my lips, and I look at them once more. A small figure came to me with a rope and tied my hands at the back. I wanted to say something, but the tall figure who took off my mask hushed me. 

The people soon left the place that I was in. I looked around, and I was right. It was an abandoned place; it looked like a burnt manor or something. I scooted back from my original site as I was imagining all the terrifying things that could happen.

And so, I waited, and I waited for at least someone to find me and explain why on earth am I here? It didn't take long, and I saw the doors opening in front of me again. I couldn't believe it. It was William and his brothers standing in front of me.

"W-William?! Why are you? What am I doing here?! Did you kidnap me?! Were you the one who-"

William placed his finger on my lips, hushing me. "I have a surprise for you. That's why I brought you here, Scarlet."

A surprise?! At a time like this?! I was knocked out and brought to this abandoned and burnt house against my will, and you say you have a surprise?! "What surprise do you even have for me, William?! What kind of surprise do you have for that you had to kidnap me all the way here?!"

"Listen, Scarlet. This is part of your request. This is for your own good as well. I already completed my task and got rid of your father. Yet, there is one thing that I have to do for me to really accomplish my task." William says, looking down at me.

"Y. You already got rid of my father..? But I only asked you to stop his plans.. what do you mean you got rid of him, William?!" I look at him with desperate eyes hoping what I'm thinking isn't true.

"What you are imagining right now is the truth. I did kill your father." William says, tilting his head. This was unbelievable; I only asked him to stop his plan, not to kill him.

"Why..." Just before I would complete my sentence, William drew out his sword. He pointed it at me and raised his voice with a menacing aura with intent to kill. 

You, Scarlet Elrod, threaten my plans; all threats must be eliminated.

I don't understand. How can I be a threat to William's plans when I'm the one who sought his help in the first place? "What. William, what are you talking about?!" I say, clearly panicking.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me, Scarlet. I know you know what I mean. You are heir to your father's position in the government as your brother will enlist himself in the military. I know you will do the same thing when the time has come for you to claim your position." William says, pointing his sword closer to my neck.

He's right. My would brother would enlist himself by the time I claimed my father's position. How could I be so careless? But my intentions are good.. they aren't like Father's.. you've got it all wrong.

"I may be the one who will inherit his position once he steps down, but my intentions are good, William! You have to believe me!! I would never hurt those who are unfortunate. You know me, William!! You knew me since-" I was caught off again.

"You really believed that, didn't you? We were friends back then, but that was before your father became corrupt. I knew you would fall for such things the moment we exchanged letters. Of course, I had to take precautions and be careful. Clearly, you're nothing but a dumb girl." William lowers his sword as he explains.

"The time I flirted with you saying I wanted to marry you was all for show. I used that time to learn more about you from your actions and words. The profile I came up with for you fits, really. The time that Louis and I fought. Again. It was all for show. It only took me a couple of days to complete such a request." William continued.

"The day I left you and Louis was when your father died in my hands; it was also the day I found out about your little secret, Scarlet. Now it brings us to this, my dear." William tilts his head smiling.

"Are you saying that all we talked about how this will continue was... fake?" I said with a shocked face.

"Of course. After all, there was no way I would ever love a daughter of a corrupt noble." William narrows his eyes, looking straight down at me.

"I knew you had a crush on me back then, my brother, and I wasn't dumb enough not to find out. The letter and all the props that we used are just merely props. I will never return such feelings to you, Scarlet. Never. That's why you were so easy to delude because you're blinded by love." William points his sword at me once again.

"Now then, shall we say goodbye? Any last words?" William smiles while pointing the sword at me.

"I trusted you.." I said with a tear rolling down my face. 

"Oh darling, that's your fault. You trust others too much." He says and finally finishes me off with one swing of his sword.

Blood splattered on the wall, and the sound of a slash echoed throughout the whole room. Blood runs and drips from William's face and sword as he walks out with the rest of the team. He faces the bloody chamber, closing the door, his red eyes glowing in the dark as the door shuts.

"What are we going to do now, William? Many people have spotted you and Scarlet together; some even rumored her to be your wife." Louis said, giving his brother a handkerchief.

"Go along with the rumors. Tell everyone Scarlet is my soon-to-be wife, then after a few days, tell them that the marriage didn't go through due to some difficulties. Oh, Scarlet, she would've made a good wife if she weren't from such a family." William says, wiping off the blood from his face.

She could've been Mrs. Moriarty.  

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