Mirror: Hi!

Amuro was caught off guard by the mirror saying hi.

Amuro: How did you..?

Mirror: Hi Amuro!

Amuro: My Name by looking at my reflection..

Mirror speaking in different voices: You are rather mysterious.. mysterious person..

Amuro: interesting is like you're saying it in sentences just like a video editing or a radio trying to put different words from different people in a sentence. How very fascinating..

Amuro could be thinking about the gym behind its back off the mirror giving it this function.

Amuro: You know what, I wonder if the gem has anything to do with this..

Mirror: Nooooo!

Amuro: What's wrong, are you shy or afraid of them..?

Mirror didn't reply back.

Amuro: Well, it certainly seems that I have to find answers myself.

Mirror: Nooooo!

Amuro enters the Crystal Gems Temple.

Amuro: Hey guys, there's something I need to-

(Amuro sees Pearl arranging the pile of school equipment from before into a tower, while Garnet and Amethyst watch on.)

Amethyst: Yo! Amuro!

Pearl: Hello, Amuro.

Garnet: Howdy. *makes a finger gun* Bang.

Amethyst: Want to see something hilarious?

(Amethyst takes a M.C. Bear Bear toy and attempts to place it on the tower, which Pearl quickly impales with her spear. Amethyst then starts laughing.)

Pearl: You don't understand. Symmetrical means both sides have to be the same!

(Pearl grunts angrily and tosses M.C. Bear-Bear into a pile of other stabbed items.)

Amuro: Was that really necessary..? Anyway I think I figured out the way to fix a mirror..

Pearl: Excellent work, Steven!

Amuro: You didn't tell me it's like a person.

(The Gems react in shock.)

Pearl: *shocked* Wait, what?

Amuro: well let's just ask me some experiments on it and almost feel like I acted kind of like a person..

Pearl to Amuro: well you see the mirror wasn't meant to act like a person he was meant to give information about our history culture..

Amuro to Pearl: oh really because it seems like you're hiding something for me and I want the answer and the truth!!

Pearl felt herself sweating and kind of felt a bit nervous of telling him the truth.

Mirror: Hi There!

The Crystal Gems were even more shocked seeing that the Mirror was talking to Amuro.

Pearl: Is it talking? It shouldn't be able to do that. I-It should just be following orders...

Amethyst: Garnet, do something.

Garnet: Amuro.. *walks towards him*

Amuro knew what's going to happen and summoned the beam rifle and pointed directly at Garnet's head, shocking the rest of the Crystal Gems.

Amuro: back the hell away!!

Amethyst: woah!! calm down!!

Amuro: not until I get some goddamn answers on what is going on with this mirror and why are you not telling the truth!!

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