The King, The Prince and The Shadow

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Ne Zha: Which brings me to your ring. Worst kept secret ever!

Mei: Well, I mean, not wrong.

Sandy nods in agreement.

Ne Zha: This is exactly why the Rings of Samadhi should have been-

Monkey King: Okay Ne Zha, that's enough! I know the dangers of this as well as you do. But this is our last chance to stop LBD.

Ne Zha: But Wukong the Samadhi Fire cannot be controlled! When you take it, it will destroy everything, including the person it's in!

Monkey King: I know, but we have to try. We have no other choice.

Ne Zha: But-

Monkey King: Ne Zha please. This is our last chance.

Ne Zha: (Takes a deep breath.) All right. But I will come too.

Monkey King: Thanks old friend.

- Time Skip. On The Mountain -

Sandy: What is this place?

Tang: I think I think this is where they originally split the Samadhi Fire. Is it true, Monkey King?

Monkey King: Correct Tang. This is where we took the fire out of Red Son and put it in the rings.

Mei: Does anyone else feel like-

Sandy: We've been here before? Yeah, that's weird, right? But yeah, I know I haven't.

Tang: Me neither. And yet this place feels so familiar.

One of my guesses turned out to be more correct, or counts. My friends somehow reincarnation with MK's friends. But I guess Ne Zha wouldn't know that because I noticed that he was looking at me with questioning eyes. I can't explain it to him now. Maybe I'll tell him if I'm available after this world problem. Agh! Suddenly a stone came to my head. What kind of shot is this?
My head is gone. I looked up to see who threw it when I realized it was MK. I couldn't say anything. So I stayed. The person next to me - I'm talking about Ne Zha - started laughing at me. Just when I was going to hit him, I realized that the 4th Ring issue was opened again.

MK: Earlier, you said something about a fourth ring, but that was just an accident, right? Just a slip of the old tongue?

Pigsy: Maybe.

MK: Maybe? What's maybe supposed to mean?

Pigsy: Why don't we let the Monkey King tell it?

Everyone started glaring at me. Including Ne Zha.

Ne Zha: Didn't you tell them?!

Monkey King: I didn't have time, okay?

Pigsy: So now you have time, right? Why don't you talk about the 4th Ring?

Monkey King: But Macaque-

Ne Zha: Tell that Wukong!

Monkey King: Okay okay, I'm telling. I made a mistake. During the ritual, a piece of the Samadhi Fire got away from me. I don't know what happened, but I guess, part of it was sealed away in the closest vessel that could contain it. My loyal companion, the White Horse Dragon, Ao Lie.

Sandy: Mei's great, great, great, times a thousand great-grandfather!

MK: Making Mei the fourth ring!

Mei: What? How? I am now...

Monkey King: Don't worry, Mei. We will somehow remove the ring inside and transfer it to myself. It's that easy.

Mei: So how will you do this?

Monkey King: Eeeeeeee

To be honest, I had no idea. So I looked at Ne Zha to give the speech for me. Although Ne Zha initially looked at me with a confused and angry face, he later started talking as if he had read my mind.

Ne Zha: In fact, we can somehow get the ring out of the girl by doing the same ritual we did.

Mei: Will this kill me?

Monkey King: It certainly doesn't kill. We did it to Red Son, he's still intact.

Ne Zha: Because Red Son is immortal!

Monkey King: Do you have to ruin everything?

Ne Zha: Are you telling me this?

Mei: Okay, before start the fight, I accept the ritual thing.

Monkey King: Ok then let's get started.

Ne Zha: But how do we do without the monk?

Monkey King: Don't worry Ne Zha. Leave that to Tang.

Tang: M-Me?

Monkey King: If you put the map in your hand in that upper compartment, you can start the ritual.

Tang: Got it Monkey King.

We all took our places. I walked over to Mei. Ne Zha was next to her saying the words he needed to say for the ritual. At first, the rings took off and formed a circle around us - which seemed to hurt Mei - then gradually Mei's chest began to glow and something circular appeared from within. It was coming in slowly. I hope Macaque doesn't come before this ritual is complete. İt was almost out in public. But then I started to hear shouts and when I looked up to see what was going on, I saw Macaque's broken clone and MK transformed into a gorilla. Come on! Why did everything I think about have to be the bad thing? Fortunately MK had cracked the clone. But let me spit on my mind that Macaque, laughing like a maniac, fixed his clone again and caught MK. Wait a minute... MK?!

Macaque: So this was the Monkey King's great plan?

Saying that, he started slamming MK on the ground - I'd stare at Macaque if I could right now - and he was talking at the same time.

Macaque: How do you still not see that he has no idea what he's doing?! How about this for a plan? Stay down, MK. Or I will put you down.

Just as I opened my mouth, Mei acted faster than me.

Mei: M... K!

She took out her sword, but we both got hurt as the ritual was still going on.

Macaque: Not another move!

Saying this, he came out of hid clone and icy where he landed.

Macaque: I'll give you two options. Option A I take the Samadhi fire, you do exactly what I say, and I don't have to do anything you'll regret. Or option B,

Macaque came to us in the form of a shadow and took Mei.

Ne Zha: Macaque stop!

Macaque: cut you all down. Starting with the girl!

Monkey King: Mei!

Tang: Wait. Don't do this.

Macaque: Tang. Do what I'm telling you to do!

Monkey King: Tang, don't do it!

Macaque: Don't get involved, Wukong! (turns to Tang) Your friend's life depends on it. Finish the ritual!

Tang was looking at me and Macaque. Tears began to form in his eyes and he began to speak.

Tang: All right. You win.

Samadhi Fire Wukong AU  (English version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن