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I walk around the top of the mountain. I was always curious on what these mountains had hidden behind them and so did many others but none of them had the courage and neither did I. I didn't climb this mountain out of courage, I climbed it to get away. I needed to get away from everything, my chaotic family, the hellish towns people, terrible job and my crushed dream. I've written so many books but they were barely read. Every now and then I'd get a little check cause someone bought a book of mine but each of those useless checks just teased me. It teased the part of me that thought I would be the worlds most famous author. Each time I got those checks I was hoping the amount would be more and make it look like a lot more people liked my stories but they always looked like 1 or 2 were bought, so then I had to get a stupid job, sure it puts food on my table and I am able to to have a little extra  but this isn't what I wanted to happen. Everyone told me to have a plan b but I didn't want to listen and now I'm just a plumber, I'm surprised I even got the job since I majored in writing but it's cool I guess. I just wished a was know for my writing and not fixing clogged toilets which brings me to the hellish towns people. They treat me like a lower life form, the constant bullying that I thought I could leave behind in school some how creeped into my young adult years. Honestly some times I felt like purposely fucking with their plumbing so their houses would flood but the bullying would just get worse if I lost my job and be came homeless. Speaking of homeless let's talk about my family, they used to praise me and love me as they too thought my books would take off but once they realized that wasn't the case they kicked me straight to the curb without a warning. It was so out of the blue, imagine going from being praised to having 5 minutes to pack up and leave. Which brings me here to the mountain. I have to get as far away from my town as possible, sure the mountains right above it isn't as far away as possible and all it takes is for one of the bullies to climb this mountain too just to put me back at square one it's still a start which is better than nothing. As I look down from the mountain I notice a small village. I could probably stay there temporarily. As I start my walk down the mountain I trip and start falling down the mountain. I hit my head and become unconscious. When I wake up its sunrise and there's a man about my age standing over me. "Are you ok?" He ask helping me stand up. "Um..." is all I'm able to say as the pain from the head injury sets in. "Its ok, I'll help you until Julieta is able to heal you." He says. "Ok." I say compiling. He takes me to his house and bandages my head. "Thank you senor." I say. "My names Mariano Guzman, what's yours?" He ask. "Bruno cutburn." I reply. "Oh, well I have to say that last name is certainly unique but I would suggest not telling people that's your first name." He says awkwardly. "Why?" I ask curiously. "Bruno has a bad reputation around here, it's the name of one of the madrigals. He had the ability to see the future but only the bad stuff so he wasn't really liked that much and one day he disappeared so I wouldn't want people to think you're him just cause you have the same first name." He says. "This village hates the name bruno because some fortune teller didn't tell them what they want to here? He must not know much about the whole fortune teller scam cause if he did he would know to tell them good stuff." I say jokingly. Mariano looks at me confused. "What do you mean scam?" He asks. "People can't actually see the future, it impossible." I say. "I never saw him do a vision myself but I know for a fact his powers were real." Mariano says proudly. "Isnt it convenient that he disappeared so there's now way to prove which one of use is right." I say sarcastically. "I might not be able to prove his powers are real but I can prove that magic exists here." He says happily. "Ok, I'll bite." I say. "That's funny since you're gonna have to bite something." He says grabbing my arm to lead me out of his room. "I'll be back in later mami, my new friend here needs to be healed." He says. She waves goodbye. We get in a line with many other injured folks. "Its early how are all these people already hurt like this." I say. "You'd be surprised by how much people hurt themselves when they know how easily their injuries could be fixed." He says happily. When we get to the front of the line Mariano takes of the bandages reaviling the gash on my forehead. The woman shoves a benoulo in my mouth and my injury is magically healed and the pain is gone. "Woh uh, thank you." I say surprised. Mariano moves me out of the way and the woman waves goodbye. "How did she do that?" I ask. "I told you, magic is here." He says happily. "All this time I was living just a mountain away from magic and I didn't even know." I say. "Huh, I grew up and didn't even think twice about that fact that there was a magic family." He says. "Well of course you wouldn't think twice if you grew up with it being normal." I say. "I cant wait to see how you react to Isabela's powers, she's my girlfriend. " He says happily. "You're dating one of them." I say surprised. "Yea." He says with a tiny hint of sadness in his voice. I hold his arm as he gives me tour and we eventually run into his girlfriend. "Who's this?" She asks with disgust. "I just got here and I can already tell I just acquired a new bully by the attitude in her voice." I think. "This a my new friend, uh..." he blanks remembering he cant say my actual name. "My names Mateo." I say the first name that comes to mind. "Ah right, Mateo." Mariano says awkwardly. "Well, hi Mateo." She says. She then walks past us. "Well, I guess my names mateo now." I say awkwardly. "It'll make you look better than I your original name would." He says. "We should probably go back to your house." I say. "Yea." He says. After a little bit at his house there's a knock at the door. Mariano answers it and it's an old woman in a magenta colored dress. "You must be the new comer." She says walking toward me. "Hola." I say. "I'm alma madrigal, the leader of this village." She says. "I'm br- Mateo." I say nervously. "I already know your name, I'm just here to welcome you to the encanto if you're planning on staying." She says happily. "I'll probably stay for a little while." I say. "Do you have any certain skills? I would like to know how you will contribute to the village." She says. "I'm an author." I say. "That's great, as a village of refugees we can always use more books." She says happily. "I'll be happy to help." I say realizing my books will finally get the love they deserve. "I'll get construction on your book shop started immediately." She says. "Oh, ok thank you." I say surprised. Mariano closes the door after alma leaves. "Please tell me you have a pseudonym." He says worryingly. "I dont." I say awkwardly. "What are you two talking about?" His mom asks. "Nothing mami." Mariano replies. He takes me up to his room. "So you books say bruno on them." He say annoyed. "I'm sorry I have the same name as someone who the whole town hates, I honestly don't see why you are trying to help me." I say. "Why wouldn't I help you?" He ask. "Cause anyone from my home town would set me up for failure, I'm not used to be protected from it." I say. He sighs. "Is that why you came here?" He asks. "Sort of, I probably wasn't gonna stay for long since all it takes is one of those mother fuckers to climb the mountains too and then I'm fucked." I say. "Language and I'd help you if any of them came here." He says happily. "You're so friendly, its weird." I say. "Your just not used to it yet." He says happily.

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