"Yes he is. He'll always need you, he's your baby.." She said while rubbing my back.

"I know but I just can't believe how old they are.." I said as I wiped my tears.

"Yeah but now we have even more exciting things to look forward too like seeing them grow into their own person and so much more.."

"You're right.." I mumbled into her chest.

I missed when they were small but the older they got the more their personalities grew. That came with ideas and thoughts that I loved to indulge in.

She wiped the last of my tears before we laid down and finally went to sleep.

Brandy's pov

"I texted in the group chat no balloons and now Kandi dumb ass is mad standing outside because they won't let her inside.." Monica said as she took her seat next to me.

We just made it into the twins graduation when we got a call from Kandi that she couldn't get inside. We specifically told everyone coming that the school requested no balloons, but black people don't listen.

"So what she just standing there?" I asked.

"No she put them back in her car she's about to come inside now.." Monica sighed.

Just as I opened my mouth to reply I saw her turn the corner and take the seat next to Monica's mom. Toya was seated on the other side of Monica with Nae and Benji who was seated on my lap.

The ceremony started shortly after and by surprise Monica held it together and didn't cry not one tear. Me on the other hand, well, I cried the entire time.

The graduation ended and we took pictures before everyone got into their respective cars to head to our house for the mini party we decided to throw the twins.

"Mama.." Benji pouted and held his arms out for me to pick him up.

"Hold on, Benji. I'll pick you up in a minute.." I said as I continued to change the filter in the pool.

He tugged on my legs, getting closer to the edge of the pool, and I instinctively pulled him back so he wouldn't fall in.

"Benji, what did I just say?" I gave him a stern look that made him pout while running away.

A couple minutes passed and I finished changing the filter just as Monica walked toward me holding Benji as he ate a freshly opened popsicle.
This is exactly why he acted like this now. He's way too spoiled.

"What you do to my baby?"

"I didn't do anything to his spoiled butt. I told him to hold on for a minute and he was being impatient.." I answered.

"He said you yelled at him..." She said glaring at me before adding "You want me to hit mama for you?"

"Yes.." He answered and I could've sworn I saw a smirk growing on his face.

"Okay I'll hit her later.." She said before putting him down and letting him run off.

"I'm throwing you in here later for thinking you're going to hit me.." I said before going to grab the pool noodles and toys.

"Yeah okay! I bet you won't." She laughed before walking away. She's going to kill me but her ass was getting thrown in that water today.


"Who gets white girl wasted at a kid's graduation party?" I laughed as I watched Monica hold Toya's hair back.

"Shut up bi—" She started but was ultimately cut off as she started to throw up again.

"You're about to have a nasty hangover tomorrow..." I continued to tease her with a laugh.

"Leave her alone.." Monica said swatting at me but I dodged. "Uh uh get your throw up hands away from me!"

"Can you go check on the kids?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah do s-something useful.."

"Shut up stinky!" I laughed as I walked out the bathroom. I walked up the stairs and went straight to Mya's room where they were all congregated.

I opened the door to find them all, Reginae, Riley, and Zonique included, sleeping on Mya's bed. I smiled before leaving the door cracked and going downstairs to finish cleaning up the backyard.

There wasn't much to clean up besides the decorations so I carefully pulled the down and put them in their respective places.

"You could've did this tomorrow. I know you're tired.." Monica said from behind me.

I quickly turned seeing her still in her swimsuit reminding me that I never pushed her in the water. She was completely dry by now so I knew if I pushed her in there now I would never hear the end of it.

"I know but I just want to get up tomorrow and not have to do anything.."

"Okay, do you need help?"

"Uhh— can you get the banner right there.." I pointed to the banner by the pool and she nodded before walking over to it.

I waited awhile before walking up behind her and lifting her off her feet.

"What the— I should've known you were plotting! Put me down!" She yelled.

"Put you down?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes you know what the f—" I cut her off as I threw her into the pool. She swam to the top quickly gasping for air before she started to cuss me out.

"I'm sorry baby, let me help you.." I bent down to hold my hand out to her. I knew I fucked up the minute she smiled and yanked me right into the pool beside her.

"I walked into that one.." I said as I popped out of the water. I wiped the water from my face before lifting my now white cover up off of me.

"Yeah, you did.." She shivered as she swam to the other side of the pool. I watched as she climbed out and grabbed my towel that I left outside.

"You just gon' leave me out here with no towel!?" I yelled as I watched her take off running into the house with my towel.

I laughed to myself as I jumped out the pool and followed after her into the house.

Just as I made it to the steps a slipped falling flat onto my ass.

"Damn!" I heard followed by laughter causing me to snap my head up to see Kandi, Tiny, and Monica standing at the top of the steps.

"I know that shit hurt.." Kandi laughed.

"You okay, Bouj?"

"Hell no!" I yelled back as I laid out flat onto the ground.

"Why she fall like a cartoon character though?" Kandi laughed. I didn't have the energy to reply as I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach.

"Leave her alone!" I heard Monica laugh before I heard her coming down the steps.

"Cmon let me help you up.." She said as she held out her hands. I grabbed her hands and she pulled me to my feet. Once I was too my feet I threw my body onto her so she could help me up the stairs.

"She so dramatic.." Tiny laughed.

"Shut up that shit really hurt.." I groaned as I held onto my ass and limped up the steps.

I'm definitely going to feel this in the morning..

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