S3xE15: Stuck in Two Holes

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"A real stupid one!" Henry shouted at him.

"Oh, I'm stupid? You dopes are the ones with inadequate lasers." Jeff laughed at the two of them, causing him to get assaulted by an onslaught of lasers constantly firing at him.

Jeff started throwing things at them in retaliation, running to the back of the store. They started chasing him around the store, zapping him at any given chance. After what felt like fifty lasers being shot at him, Jeff finally went down and passed out on the ground.

"Nice," Ray commented, "Now, pick up all those movies and put them back on the shelves."

"What? Why?" Henry asked.

"Because, it's our responsibility to leave this store the way we found it." Ray completely ignored the shattered window, broken glass on the ground, and a passed out Jeff.

"But this place has been abandoned since like the nineteen hundreds." Henry protested.

"Put the movies on the shelves."

"But it's dangerous, this place is falling apart."

"Movies on the shelves."


"The shelves."

"But what about the—"

"The shelves!"

"Fine!" Henry walked over to where several VHS tapes lied, picking them up off the ground. He heard some creaking and before he could tell where it was coming from, the floor beneath him caved. He was stuck from the chest down in the floor boards.

"Seriously? Now you wanna play?" Ray asked in a serious tone.

"I'm not playing! I fell through the stupid floor, when I was picking up a VHS tape of Good Burger!"

"You found Good Burger?" Ray got all excited and started looking for where it landed. He found it a couple feet from Henry and picked it up. "Oh my gosh, I love this movie! Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger," The creaking noise came back again, this time Ray falling through the floor next to Henry, "Can I take your order?"

Now the two of them were stuck in an abandoned building's floors with a knocked out Jeff.

Charlotte and Jasper came down the tubes to the Mancave, each of them sporting a couple of water guns.

Schwoz was in the middle of filling a kiddie pool with beans when he noticed the two of them. "Hey you guys!" He greeted, "What are you doing here on a Sunday?"

"We're here to meet Henry and Dylan." Jasper told him, completely unfazed by Schwoz's state.

"What are you doing?" Charlotte asked, very curious.

"I'm taking a bean bath." Schwoz stated like it was obvious. "Why do you have those pretty pistols?" He pointed to the water guns they were each holding.

"We're going with Henry and Dylan to the squirt gun range." Charlotte told him. 

Dylan emerged from the back, carrying his own water guns. "Okay I am ready!" He announced upon seeing his two friends. "All we need now is Henry."

"He's not with you?" Jasper asked.

"Uh, no. Why did he say he was with me?" Dylan pulled out his phone to check for any notifications. 

"No, we just assumed he'd be here with you already." Charlotte answered. The three friends shared a worried glance.

"Where's Henry?" Jasper turned to Schwoz to ask.

Henry Danger x Original M! CharacterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora