A few hours later

Old man: "here's you allowance" said the old man he give an envelope that had cash inside

Banjo: "......" Banjo said nothing as he grab it while still keeping the same expression

Old man: "try to be early next time Banjo,see you tomorrow" said old man as he start to went back to his home

Banjo just silently nod and get out of the construction site

A few moments later

Banjo: (sigh great now I only had 2 options) thought Banjo while looking at the envelope

Banjo: (pay the rent for the apartment) Banjo thought as he only had enough money for only one option

Banjo: (or become homeless and save the money for protein (aka food's)) Banjo thought as he afraid that he will lose some muscle

Banjo: "haizzzz man...." said Banjo let out a sight

Banjo: "could this day get even worse....." said Banjo

And sure did he just fucking jinx himself

As he said those words he suddenly heard the sound of shattering window in a school nearby

As he said those words he suddenly heard the sound of shattering window in a school nearby

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Banjo: "......" Banjo said nothing as he just standing cursing himself for jinxing himself

Banjo: "that's ain't my problem" said Banjo while keep walking back to his apartment

Banjo: "I'm done with that kind of sh#t" said Banjo anything as he continue walking

Banjo: "......." few moment's after he stop as he clicked his tongue knowing what he about to do is idiotic

Banjo: (GOD FREAKING DANM IT!!!) thought Banjo as he turn around rush back to the school

With Sukuna and Megumi

Sukuna: "HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Sukuna laugh like a maniac as it had been so long since the last time he laugh

Sukuna: "AH! FINALLY!" exclaim Sukuna

Sukuna: "LIGHT IS THE BEST IN THE FLESH!!!" exclaim Sukuna while ripping off the shirt of his current host to feel the light

Sukuna: "curse flesh is so boring" said Sukuna

Sukuna: "so now where are the people's ?! the woman's?!!!" asked Sukuna

As he said that he senses the presence of so many children's and woman's he let out a devious grin

The Muscle Brain Sorcerrer (JJK x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now